The "No Frames" Page
You need Frames!
Unfortunately, your browser doesn't support frames, which are used by the interface for
this CD. Frames make life much easier for users and designers alike. They are central to
the easy-to-use interface we've designed for, and are used on many sites on the
Internet. Nonetheless, if you'd rather not, you don't need to upgrade your Web browser in
order to use this CD, or indeed use a Web browser at all.
Below you'll find instructions on How to upgrade your Web browser, How to use the CD with an
older browser, and How
to use the CD without using a Web browser at all.
Also, remember to visit us online at,
and at our Start page Our
site uses frames, so be sure to upgrade first.
to upgrade your Web browser
We strongly recommend that you upgrade your computer to use a frames-capable browser.
After all, the lastest versions are very low cost or even free. And they're all available
on this month's CD. We recommend Netscape Navigator 4.05
or Microsoft Internet
Explorer 3.02.
To upgrade your Web browser go to our Browsers page,
and follow the instructions to install the Web browser of your choice for your operating
How to use this CD with an older browser
Most of the functions and pages on this CD will work with older browsers, especially
those that support tables. It will be less easy to navigate, of course, but should still
The quickest way to navigate with an older browser is to go to the Product Index. This lists all of the software titles on the
CD in alphabetical order. Alternatively, you can jump from here to the following CD
How to use this CD without a Web browser
The software on this CD isn't hidden in a special format or difficult to access if you
don't want to use a Web browser. You can simply use your operating system's file
management system (File Manager in Windows 3.1, Windows Explorer in Windows 95 and Finder
on the Mac) to navigate this CD as you would navigate files and directories on any hard
disk or floppy drive.
The files are organised by section and operating system platform. When you find a file
you'd like to try, copy it to your hard drive (the best place is a \Temp or \Inst
directory just for the purpose). Most files on the CD are compressed, and before you can
install the programs, you need to decompress them. See the FAQ for more information.
There is a file called index.txt in the top directory of the CD
which contains a complete list of all the files on the CD and the directory within which
they're located.
(c) Australian Consolidated Press 1999. All rights reserved.