Officers of the Omicron Omicron Chapter

Sharon Burchett, President
Lindsey Gibson, 1st Vice-President
Stephanie Evans, 2nd Vice-President
Shannon Howard, Secretary
Kim Frusher, Treasurer
Jacquie Daniels, Warden
Selena Greenwell and Christa Peckenpaugh, Directors of Music Activities
Kendra Reid, Director of Publicity
Jamie Rone, Assistant Pledge Educator
Susie High, Fund-Raiser
Caroline Whipple, Social Chairperson
Tiffany Amodeo, Co-Historian
Kelli Nall, Co-Historian
Danielle Lyons, Chaplain
These are the Officers of the Omicron Omicron Chapter for the 1999-2000 Year.

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