The Omicron Omicron Chapter of Delta Omicron will be holding its first annual alumni reunion on April 8, 2000. It will be in the amphitheatre outside Ivan Wilson Fine Arts Center on the campus of Western Kentucky University. It will start at 1:00pm CST and end at 5:00pm CST with the option of attending the WKU Jazz Band Concert featuring Vince DiMartino at the Capitol Arts Center at 7:30pm. There will also be a reception sponsored by Delta Omicron after the concert. If you haven't received information about the reunion and would like to attend, please e-mail me (link provided on the home page) or Stephanie Evans(evanssa@wku.edu) Before April 5, 2000. You don't need to bring anything but yourself. We will provide all of the food, and there will also be a recital Sunday afternoon. Hope to see you there!!!
Note to All Alumni of the Omicron Omicron Chapter
We are currently rebuilding our alumni records from scratch. If you would like your name and new address included in these records please e-mail Shannon Howard, Secretary of the Omicron Omicron Chapter. There is a link on the home page to her e-mail address.
Also, if any Omicron Omicron Chapter Alumni would like his or her name, address and e-mail address added to this page, e-mail Shannon Howard.

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