Agent_Bill's Waste of Space on the Web

Welcome. For those of you who frequent my page, thank you for your continued patronage. I have needed to revamp much of this site for a while, but I haven't gotten around to it. I've spent much of this past year working pretty steadily for the first time in my life, and at the very least it's been an excuse for me not to keep up with the latest HTML technology and to continue to put off what I need to do with this website.

I can't promise anything different. I will try to be more diligent about upkeep, and there are things that I would like to add here, but they're mostly in the "pipe dream" stage. There are many things I would like to accomplish beyond my site, like getting a steady job, or a steady girl. I don't know where my priorities lie. But I will try to make this place a reflection of my life and times -- even if it remains a Waste of Space.

Thank you, and once again, welcome.

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The quote of the day, taken from my Franklin Covey day planner:

"We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery."
- Samuel Smiles

Last modified: 4-21-09