Welcome. For those of you who frequent my page, thank you for your continued patronage. I have needed to revamp much of this site for a while, but I haven't gotten around to it. I've spent much of this past year working pretty steadily for the first time in my life, and at the very least it's been an excuse for me not to keep up with the latest HTML technology and to continue to put off what I need to do with this website.
I can't promise anything different. I will try to be more diligent about upkeep, and there are things that I would like to add here, but they're mostly in the "pipe dream" stage. There are many things I would like to accomplish beyond my site, like getting a steady job, or a steady girl. I don't know where my priorities lie. But I will try to make this place a reflection of my life and times -- even if it remains a Waste of Space.
Thank you, and once again, welcome.
My Projects
Other Links I Like
ESPN.com What I consider to be the best, most organized site on the WWW. Your sports section expanded and filled with interactive polls and in-depth analysis -- and updated frequently throughout the day.
Main Sanitary Nag (Anagram Insanity)
For those of you who want to know what their name looks like rearranged but just don't have the time.
The Babe-Test!
A quiz to identify 15 gorgeous female celebrities each day. The guys who run it have almost 1,000, so it's not going to go stale, unlike your Pictionary.
Artist Direct
Despite selling out to ads, this site (Formerly Known As the ultimate band list) probably contains the most comprehensive index of every single band you can think of. Supplies newsgroups and website where you can search for band info, discographies, tabulatures and video and audio samples.
The Internet Movie Database
Could also be known as "the ultimate movie list." Just about everything you wanted to know about any possible movie you can think of. In return, it'll spit out any detail -- including the girl with that one line who caught your eye.
Female Celebrity Smoking List
Got a smoking fetish? Use this to find out whether your favorite actress or model willingly poisons her lungs with abandon. Not to say that I have an uncontrollable obsession for it. I'm not a pervert, right?
JB's Hard Rock Cafe Webpage
There is an official website, but their recent overhaul has obfuscated many pieces of information that I liked about the old versions. That's why I turn to this German fan's site. It's easy to navigate, stays on top of news (I didn't know, for instance, that HRC's in Western Canada were doing so poorly they were closed this summer) and provides a bulletin board for pin exchange. Most informative for me, this guy lists all 105 or so Hard Rock Cafes around the world, with address, phone number, date established, and specialty pin.
Introduction to HTML and Web Page Design
Contrary to popular belief, it's pretty easy to learn how to design a web page. The hard part, besides having enough expertise and tools to make it look really good, is keeping up with the breakthroughs. This is the place I go to not only to brush up on the basics but also dip my toes into what's new -- whenever I can.
Best news site on the Web. The CNN brand name speaks for itself, but the home page is laid out intuitively, with a picture accompanying the leading headline on top, several other linking headlines to the right, and other stories down below broken into appropriate categories. What I like most about this site is its attention to world stories (obviously there is a lot going on beyond our shores) and their aggressive bevy of city guides in its travel section.
I thought I was the only person on the continent who remembers the days of the hapless upstart United States Football League with sadness in my heart. But that was just a lie. This beautiful man has brought back this three-year-old spring league back to life, documenting -- celebrating! -- all the crazy antics and hilarity with this organization's rampant disorganization. The statistics of all three years are here (plus a preview of the fourth year, scheduled in the fall before they decided to fold after failing to get a huge judgement in their lawsuit against the NFL), and he chronicles each of the 19 teams (in all its merged permutations) giving analysis of their reputations within the league (such as whether their players' checks bounced). This site even has a place to buy USFL merchandise. I didn't even know there still were USFL merchandise. All I need now is a site dedicated to the NHL's Original Six.