
-191 pages ( French text ). - illustrated.
- describing Degrelle's military and political actions within the Légion
Wallonie, the 5. Sturmbrigade Wallonien and the 28. SS-Freiw.
Gren. Div. Wallonien.
- Out of print -

- 224 pages ( French text ).
- illustrated.
- The so far unknown account of the civil
( volunteer or deported ) Walloon workers in Germany,
who were forced by Degrelle's recruiting officers to enroll in the 28.SS-Frw. Gr. Div. Wallonien in January-February-March 1945.

- 470 pages ( French text ).
- illustrated + 862 footnotes.
- describing the last convulsions of the Walloon collaborators after they
fled to Germany in September 1944 ;
- describing Degrelle's political and military activities after September
1944, including the reasons of his visit to Sigmaringen and the Ardennes
raid ;
- describing the actions of Walloon airborne commando squads to be dropped
in liberated Belgium after the Von Rundsted offensive ;
- describing Degrelle's postwar links with former Walloon Russian front

- in process of elaboration ( English text ).
- illustrated.
- describing the Walloon political collaborating
groupings with special focus on the action of Léon Degrelle and his men
action at the Eastern front.
difficile naissance d'une légion perdue in Jours de Guerre N° 8, Crédit Communal, 1992.
A propos
d'un carnet in
MEMOR, Bulletin d'Information N° 33/2001 - Université Charles-de-Gaulle -
Lille 3.
Unpublished research ( *
- Les campagnes de la Légion Wallonie,
de la 5.Sturmbrigade Wallonien et de la 28.SS-Frw.Gr.Div.Wallonien.
- Un aspect de la collaboration militaire dans
la Belgique francophone - Le recrutement d'éléments étrangers. - ( * - JP
732 ).
- Les Crises internes de la Légion
Wallonien - ( * TH388 ).
- Le Recrutement dans les Stalags et Oflags
en faveur de la Légion Wallonie ( * ).
- La Sipo-Sd à Liège 1940 - 1944 -
Composantes et lignes de Force ( * )
- Les Polices rexistes de l'Occupant à Liège
1940 - 1944 ( * ).
- Une certaine Wallonie, un certain
wallingantisme…. vus d'en face. - Wallingants francophiles, germanophiles,
hitlérophiles et germanolâtres ( * ).
- Quelques aspects de l'Univers
collaborationniste à Liège 1941 - 1945.
- Collaboration
politique, culturelle, intellectuelle et militaire francophone belge 19040-45
- Index explicatif de documentation générale. Ill. 441p. Housse, 2004.
- (*)Can be consulted in the reading-room of the CEGES Library -
- CEGES ( Centre d'Etudes et de Documentattion
" Guerre et Sociétés contemporaines " ).