Vampire: The Eternal Struggle
Custom V:TES from Detroit, Michigan USA
The Players
This page catalogs  a collection of custom cards that pay homage to an on-going V:TM RPG game that I have been telling since the summer of 1999.  Please direct any questions, comments, or card submissions to Wookie.
New title: Archon
Methuselah Variant
Their Characters
Detroit By Storm NPC's
Archon by Night NPC's
Ya-Ya custom Cards
Custom Library Cards
Under construction! Enjoy what is here, anxiously anticipate the rest!
Check out to get   connected to everything V:TES.
Fans of custom cards must see Damnans.
Capacity Formula
Vampire: The Eternal Strugggle copyright White-Wolf. Any reference to products is done without permission, and is not a challenge to those copyrights. All images used on this site are also used without permission, except the ones that I have created, cuz I say it's OK. In many cases, illustration credits are given on a card that are inaccurate, as the name was printed on the source card, and the image later changed. I don't suspect anyone will care, but you never can tell. E-mail me with your beef and I'll square it up.