The Life of a Bachelor.
Hey, folks!  It seems you've stumbled upon my infamous website, so kick back, relax, and watch me screw up!  My name is Chad.  I am not very creative and all, but I LOOOVE to make people laugh.  Sometimes I put my reputation out on a limb to cheer people up, but that doesn't matter.  As long as I am happy, the world may turn on it's axis.
Some Facts About ME!!!

 Where I'm from.

 What I do.

 Where I've been.

 What I enjoy.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. Are you gay?
A. Are you?

Q. What is your favorite color?
A. "Blue."

Q. Do you want children when you grow up?
A. "Ummmm..."

Q. How old are you?
A. "Barely old enough to drink."

To ask questions of your own, please feel free to e-mail me.  Just give it to old speedy here, and I may post your question!

It's a little hard to get his attention... try tapping him.
 If you like music, enter an Artist, Album, or song to see if you can get it CHEAP from...
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