All About Annie...

Drama Club Stuff
Marching Band Stuff
Dog Stuff
An End to My Rambling
                Hi! My name is Annie, the "Head Chef" here at the Café. I'm 19, from Minnesota but currently residing in Fargo, and have three dogs, and now, no guinea pigs. =( You can see my yearbook senior pic by clicking on "Meet Annie" over there. I'm currently a sophomore pre-pharmacy major at North Dakota State University, dating the sweetest Farm House guy, and I'm proud to be a Phi Mu! The activity stuff is all from high school, I will update it when I have the time...ha! (That means never. Pharmacy majors have no time for anything!) Anyway, if you'd like to know what I used to do with my time, read on!

               Drama is what takes up most of my time. I'm secretary of our school's Drama Club and have helped with 9 plays to date. Our last play was "Arsenic and Old Lace" and I was lights manager, but I didn't do much...not too many cues! I've done all kinds of things, from lights and sound, tickets to stage manager. But the arts are not well-funded in my school--they seem to like to hand us a couple of dollars for our One-Act each year and expect a great play. But hey we made it to sections this year!! Take that, Eagan! You can read more about our plays at The Stage.

                I know what you're thinking: She's a band geek! And proud of it. Our marching is 300 strong and we took 218 of us to California to the Holiday Bowl last Christmas (New Year's Eve in Disneyland!). We're not geeks, we're a huge chunk of the school! I play piccolo and am one of the flute rank captains--rank CC (it starts at A!). We're impressive coming down the street/field, let me tell you! We just played at the Vikes/Bears game, spelled Vikings out across the field, I was the at the top of the V. Don't ask me who won the game, I wasn't paying attention (it's just football to me).

   The name Annie and word dog is synonymous here. I've raised 20 Brittany puppies and used to show Molly. Dog hair is on everything in my house, it even goes on vacation with us, I found it on my clothes in Hawaii. Even though I've changed my future profession to pharmacy, I'm still going to have lots and lots of dogs (Danes rule!).

                Sigh of relief! She's going to stop talking now! Thanks to all the kind souls who actually read this page. Email me sometime, say hi or shut up, whatever! Have a great day!