are young couple Sergiy& Maryna Kyrylchenko, from Ukraine.
Once part of the former Soviet
Union, the Ukraine is a large country and Europe's fifth most populous
nation with over 48 million people. The Ukraine is an important industrial
and agricultural power with rich coal. The Ukraine became independent in
1991.After gaining independence from the USSR, the economy collapsed as
inflation escalated. The Ukraine has perfect nature such as woods and mountains,
sea and lake, beaches and parks. But the main value of Ukraine is the multinational
people: Ukrainians, Russians, Byelorussians, Poles, Hungarians, Romanians,
Germans, Jews etc.
It is a country with a strong Christian
heritage that suffered severely under Communism. Since 1990 there has been
freedom of religion. The Orthodox (55%) and Catholic (15%) churches dominate
religious life in the Ukraine. However, the number of evangelical Christians
(2.7%) is growing. Churches are growing rapidly; the believers are sharing
their faith and many are finding new life
One of the biggest city, has population
about 1,000,000 people. It's trade , scientist and Cultural Center in South
of Ukraine. The city has many Christian Churches :Baptist, Pentecostal,
Presbyterian, Charismatic, Eastern Orthodox and Catholic etc.
S e r g i y K y r y l c h e n k o
29 years old. I was born in Donetsk region . When I graduated from the
College of film technique I entered
State Polytechnic University,
Faculty of Radioengineering. I studied there from 1991till 1997. My specialty
is technologist for radioequipment design and production. In 1993 I accepted
Jesus Christ as my Savior. He brought incredible changes into my life.
In 1994 I became a member of Odessa First Baptist Church. As soon as I
accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior , I started to serve Him.
From 1995 till 2000 I have participated
in Fellowship of Christian Students ( CCX Ukraine). CCX is participantly
movement of IFES.
At first I was a leader of a student group. 1997-1999 I was a volunteer
in this student movement.
1999-2000 volunteer-leader of the group
of students leader. Along with ministry in CCX Ukraine:
In 1996 I participated in the project
“Love Europe” which was carried on by organization “OPERATION MOBILIZATION”.
1997-1998 I was a leader of youth group
in the Odessa First Baptist Church.
In July of 1998 God blessed me with
beautiful wife Maryna. We are serving Him together now.
Since 1999 I have been National Co-ordinator
of Ukrainian delegation of the Missionary Congress
MISSION which was carried on by TEMA,
the Netherlands.
In 1999-2000 my wife and I participated
in the ministry of young families which was based on the course “Biblical
portrait of marriage” ..Since 1999 I have been official ambassador (volunteer)
of The
Pavilion of Hope
at EXPO 2000 in Ukraine. I help in recruiting of volunteers.
When I graduated from the University
I work as IT specialist.
M a r y n a K y r y l c h e n k o
25 years old. I was born in Odessa region. After I graduated from the school
I entered South-Ukrainian Pedagogical University, elementary school department.
My specialty is pedagogue of elementary school and children psychologist.
In 1996 I accepted Jesus Christ as
My Savior. And as He entered my heart I received from God eternal life.
I also received an abundant new life from Him to live on earth.
I was baptized in 1996 and I became
a member of Odessa First Baptist Church. After I became a Christian I joined
prayer group in the Church. When God blessed me with a great husband I
helped him to organize Ukrainian delegation of the Missionary Congress
MISSION'99, which was carried on by TEMA, The Netherlands in 1998. Starting
from 1999 I have been helping him in his ministry in CCX Ukraine. After
I graduated from the University I taught in the school.
I believe that God wants me to be a
helper of my husband in his ministry.
M i n i s t r y
You probably know
some of the facts from the history of Ukraine. It was closed country till
1991.Iron curtain till 1991 Protestants in Ukraine are still in minority.
But God blesses
then. From year to year Churches in Ukraine grow in quantity. More than
a half of the people are young people. We are also young people that's
why we want to minister tom young people in Ukraine.
Main directions
of our work will be:
1. Development
of youth ministry in Ukraine.
2. Our desire
is to cover different social layers of people( from young and unemployed
to rich and businessman).
3. We want to
have special Christian educational programs for people with different profession
( for teachers, doctors, engineers etc)
4. Development
of ministry for young families Christian and non-Christian.
5. Development
of ministry for men and women.
F r e q u e n t l y A s k e d Q u e s t i o n s ( F. A. Q. )
* Why do we want to work in these directions?
- Because young people from Ukraine
have great need in this kind of ministry for young generation.
* Why do we want to do all that?
-Because we have experience in youth
* Why did we decide to talk to you
about all that?
- Because you might have more experience
in that and you might be able to help us.
What else can we do?
M A R Y N A :
I love doing different kinds of
handicrafts. Also I like taking a photograph , especially nature.
S E R G I Y :
I like working
on the computer. I can work in different system and program, like MS Office,
CorelDraw, PhotoShop, Page Maker. I can use Internet and e-mail with Netscape
Navigator and Internet Explorer. I have made mockup of this brochure
We love God and like to travel
and see to God’s creations around us.
About Ukraine : http://www.ukraine.com http://www.ukraine.org
phone +380 50 507 9935
The post address: Sergiy Kyrylchenko