Chemistry 151 at Miramar College

Chapter 2 - Practice Problems

  1. Bromine has a melting point of -7.2 degrees Celsius. What is this temperature in Fahrenheit? Would bromine be a liquid or solid if you had it in a beaker where you are right now? Answer

  2. Cesium has a melting point of 301.9 Kelvin. What is this temperature in Fahrenheit? Would cesium be a liquid or solid on a hot day in Death Valley? Answer

  3. It is estimated that humans consume 1.1 trillion cubic meters per day for irrigation and livestock throughout the world. What is this usage rate in gallons per second? Answer

  4. A certain printed page has an average of 25 words per square inch of paper. The average length of the words is 5.3 letters. What is the average number of letters per square centimeter of paper? Answer

  5. In a certain part of the country, there is an average of 710 people per square mile and 0.72 telephones per person. What is the average number of telephones per acre? Answer

  6. A car travels 28 miles per gallon of gasoline. How many kilometers per liter will it go? Answer

  7. The distance from the Earth to the Moon is about 240,000 miles. What is this distance in meters? The Concorde SST has an airspeed of about 2,400 km/hr. If the Concorde could fly to the Moon, how many seconds would it take? Answer

  8. The annual production of sodium hydroxide in the United States in 1994 was 25.83 billion pounds. The density of sodium hydroxide is 2.130 grams per cubic centimeter. How many cubic miles of sodium hydroxide were produced in 1994? Answer

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