R.D.G. |
- General Chemistry at Dartmouth - Study Guide
- The web site covered chemical chemistry to include chemical
bonding and formulas. The graphics were good and useful. Practice
exams were offered, as well as a specific site for questions that
the user may have.
This was my first time surfing. I just got internet access
on my own computer. This could be addictive.
A.D. |
Division of Chemistry (NTU/NIE)
The Web page that I found on the World Wide Web is from the National
Institute of Education in Singapore. This site has online access
to various publications covering the learning aspects of chemistry.
1) Journal of Chemical Education, and 2) Chemical Educator. It also
has access to a variety of Journals of Chemistry Research. 1) Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences, 2) American Chemical Society
Journals, 3) The Royal Society of Chemistry etc! It also has Web
connections to other chemistry web sites, teaching materials, and
links to other Universities. The address for this Web page is :
C.J. |
Periodic Table of the Elements (download)
This site is where you can download a shareware version of the
periodic table of the elements. It has more than 30 different kids
of information for 112 different elements. You can also view the
table in many different modes. Also it has a molecular weight calculator,
and you can compare bond properties. There is also a quiz mode,
so you can see how well you know your elements. It is only shareware,
so when the 30 day trial period is over, you either have to pay
for it or re-install it. It also requires Win95.
J.C. |
Nelson Chemistry Resources
This web page "Nelson Chemistry Resource Page" it references chapter
by chapter the "Nelson Chemistry" text. Under each chapter title
is references to specific topics within that chapter in the text.
Next to that are links to web sites for that topic. One site will
actually calculate the weight of a chemical formula, another site
will do mole conversions. In conclusion, this site appears to be
very well done with many links to specific topics in the chemistry
field, any chemistry student should benefit from this site.
R.S. |
Chemistry Resources
This page is called Chemistry Resources. It links chemistry units
to annotated web sites. I like this page a lot because it is in
table form. In the table, 32 topics are listed. In it, properties
of matter, measurement, history of chemistry and periodic table.
There are topics that we had already learned. And there are a lot
more information that will be useful for our future studies in chemistry.
It is a useful page because everything is listed clearly in the
homepage. This way, we do not have to waste a lot of time just to
search for a particular topic. This page does include references,
handsOn, course outline, lab & safety and projects.
J.R. |
Periodic Table
The goal of this site is to have each element linked to an interesting
site related to that element. This is a very fun site and easy to
find, just hit "chemistry" from the Yahoo search site and then go
to "Periodic Table of the Elements." Only 1/3 of the elements are
currently connected to other sites but this is a great way to get
info, and points of contact for any of those elements or related
industries that deal with the periodic table. Click Cu and reach
the "Copper Page," Th and reach "Cafe Thorium;" to learn about various
topics such as the rate of organic carbon and associated elements
out of the surface ocean, to the current prices of copper. The flashiest
site of the elements is at Au, sponsored by the world gold council.
G.F. |
The Chem Team
This web site is called "The Chem Team." Although this web site
is for high school students and Advanced Placement chemistry, however,
the context in this page is the materials that will be covered in
this course. I found it very easy to find the information that I
need to find in a particular area in chemistry. It is because index
of the web site is in table form. Therefore, at a glance, I will
be able to find the materials that I will need. This site includes
classic pagers, AP tests, some notes for students and in that page,
it also includes some other sites that will be useful.
A.S. |
The Sciences Explorer Chemistry web page
The Sciences Explorer Chemistry web page is a hyperlink to 20
websites which includes special interests, new and information,
tutorials and other resources. Examples on some of the hyperlinks
to Chemistry 3D modeling and drawing software, daily news and information
sites. In addition they are links to DuPont and Silicon Graphics.
Finally, there is a Tutorial section to help Struggling Chemistry
student get through the semester. I enjoyed the Acid Base Table
of Contents that is located in the ChemTeam hyperlink for help while
struggling with my Lab homework.
J.C. |
The Chemistry Tutor
I located the chemistry tutor page on the internet at www.tqd.advanced.org/2923.
On this page students should expect to find helpful information
about reactions, grams/moles converter, Equations, and ChemTalk.
The ChemTalk is very helpful. You can ask questions and then receive
an answer back. On this site the student can find information on
Ions and elements and also how to do conversions from grams to moles.
This site also provides other sites that would be useful to students
and teachers.
B.S. |
Chemometrics Web Site
Chemometrics is a great student web site. First thing the home
page tells you is that it's about information aspects of chem. From
there you can get tutorial help, look at other students' lab reports
and results, you can get into chem discussion groups and even search
for other sites from chemometrics' site on related materials. Chemometrics
is a very diverse and helpful web site. you can extract just about
anything you need relating to chemistry. It also uses quite a bit
of animated graphics to help you understand different chemistry
concepts. I give Chemometrics two thumbs up.
D.C. |
(no address submitted, yet)
I found this web site by accident. I went into netfind on my AOL
service and typed chemistry site and there is was. The Selected
Internet Resources for Chemistry (SIRCH).
This site is on communication in chemistry; Dictionaries, encyclopedias
document delivery service. You can obtain current events in chemistry
and is a good starter tool for information on anything in chemistry.
If you want more information type Selected Internet Resources
for Chemistry in your net find box on your internet.
J.V. |
The Periodic Table of the Elements on the Internet
I liked this particular web site because it broke down the periodic
table. This site broke the table into nine different groups. This
site is useful because it gives examples of elements in each of
the nine groups it broke it into. It also tells you what each group
is and why it is located in that group. This site would be a good
way to learn the periodic table, and I wish I would have found it
before are previous test. I would have enjoyed learning it much
C.H. |
(Review pending...)
V.V. |
Click on Chemistry Tutor
(address not submitted yet)
In this web site students should expect to find information about
chemical reactions, gram/mole conversions, temperature conversions,
and also information about ions and elements. It's interesting because
it has all sorts of information that can guide students to a better
understanding of chemistry. Students can learn how to solve electron
placement configurations as well as individual elemental information
on the periodic table. This is a very useful site because it provides
students with fast access to chemistry information.
P.T. |
The Smile Program
The Smile program under yahoo search was about the most interesting
and informative web site that I happened to stumble upon. This particular
web site was about 200 subjects of chemistry matter. In it was listed
all topics of interest chemistry 151 is studying but gives it to
you in a child's language targeted at high school students but is
very useful. Everything that is being taught in class has subject
material and experiments to go along with it; Density, volume, periodic
table, elements, compressed, and so on, it is very informative,
easy to understand and is what we need to know to get a good grade
in class, so check it out.
F.E. |
(no address submitted yet)
I like this web site because it has a lot of information about
chemistry from Introduction to General Chemistry. It has also a
tutorial section which can answer and submit questions. It has short
quizzes to stimulate our brain. These quizzes are change and updated
G.W. |
Ernest Orlnado Berkeley National Laboratory
This site that I would like to recommend for Chemistry is www.lbl.gob,
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. It contains
many sites and information such as:
General Information: Overview Panorama of Science, Historean's
View of the Lab and Nine Nobel Lawreates. These sites contain
history and information about the laboratory.
Scientific Programs: Scientific Divisions, Computing Sciences,
and National Users Facilities. These sites contain papers from
different scientific topics such as chemistry, computers, and
so on and reports of the facilitites.
News Centers: News Releases, Science Articles Archive, and Research
Review Magazines. Alot of different articles related to some very
interesting topics.
Publications: Currents, Institutional Plan, and Visuals: Image
& Gallery. Here are sites with seven hundred photographs that
can be searched and a slide presentation. Also sites of the current
events and more of the lab.
Educational Sites: Glenn Seaborg Site, Hands-On Universe, The
Particle Adventure, Microworlds, and Virtual Frog Dissection Kit
(YUCK!). The Glenn Seaborg site displays his history, his work
and his contributions to science. An interactive tour of the atom.
Another interactive tour of the Materials Sciences division at
the Laboratory. Sites to look into the Universe and an interactive
site to dissect a frog along with some games.
There are many more sites such as the library, employment and
many more related to the functioning of the laboratory. Included,
are some more search engines for the world wide web.
L.T. |
Poison in the Grass
(address not submitted yet)
Review pending...
P.C. |
Chemistry Tutor
(address not yet submitted)
The web site that I visited is at tqd.advanced .org/12923/. The
title of the web site is Chemistry Tutor. The web site is broken
down into six different categories, each focusing on a different
topic of chemistry. Introduction to Chemistry, Reactions, Gram/Mole
Converter, Equations, Ideal Gas Calculator, and Chemtalk are all
the different categories. The Chemtalk section is an interactive
chat room were people can talk about chemistry.
I would find this site very helpful with the problems that one
might run into, when trying to figure out conversions, equations,
and laws of chemistry. Plus, the chatroom is a good idea.
M.R. |
Chemical Principles
This website was created by Don McLaughlin, a science professor.
It is a revisable, electronic edition of a introductory chemistry
text book. It deals with the basic topics of elementary chemistry,
the ones we seem to have the most trouble with. It covers issues
like atoms, formulas, nomenclature, gases, math, and many more.
The only downside is it's copywright. You may only read the information,
not print or download it.
D.B. |
Stevens Lab.
(address not yet submitted)
Neurochemistry and Biochemistry. Based on the fact that Chem 151
is a chem for life sciences majors, Stevens Lab is an indepth look
at neurochemistry and its structural evolution. This information
can be applied to biotechnology as well.
E.G. |
In the website I found, is information on the periodic table.
I think it would benefit anyone in the understanding of the table
itself. First I went into the Yahoo! and looked for chemistry websites.
The one I've chosen is sampo.creighton.edu/related_sites.html
Periodic Table
www.shef.ac.uk/chemistry/web-elements choose frameless link.
Nomenclature of heavy elements it then gives a list of names and
symbols, definitions, lit.sources, and notes. You can also read
for value of elements.
M.P. |
The website talks about oxygen. I got into it by search the periodic
table. This site is interesting because it talks a lot about oxygen.
From the history, sources, properties, forms, compound, uses, isotopes
to costs of the gas is all on the site. Students will learn the
chemical structure of oxygen with the information. Overall , this
web site is easy to read and understand. If you don't like the site,
there's another option of going to other elements on the periodic
table. Students can learn all the elements if he or she wanted to.