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Welcome to Chemistry 151
Evening Class Information

Dr. Lingner's Syllabus &
Evening Class Schedule

Study Guides

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Learn dimensional analysis and significant figures now to make the rest of the semester much easier. More links.

If you're all done copying your notes, and have finished the homework and read the book, here are some extra practice problems for Chapter 2. These will not be graded.

If you're still lost in Chapter 2, you are not alone. Here are some questions that my students have asked in the past, and my answers to each question.

Here are some unit conversion factors that might be used in my class.

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5


Chapter 6
Remember the patterns for nomenclature. For oxyanions and oxyacids, learn the -ate and -ic ions, then use the pattern to get the others. Check these links for some help on naming compounds: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4

Chapter 7


Homework Assignments Chemistry is Radical

24-hour Office Hours:


Friday, 2/18/2000

  • The homework assignments for Chapters 6 and 7 are now posted.
  • Check the left column of this page for some links to chemical nomenclature web sites.


An archive of announcements can be reached by clicking on the link at the top of this box.

Chem 151 Website History.
The Laboratory

Pre-Lab Guides

Lab Activity #1
Lab Activity #2
Lab Activity #3 - Read the graphing guide too.
Graphing Guide

Lab Safety

Please review these Laboratory Safety Rules. Test Tube Spill

Lab policies

  • Borrowed goggles cost you 1 pt/lab.
  • Lab reports on pages other than the lab manual cost you 2 pts/lab.
  • Most frequent cause of point deductions on lab reports (and quizzes): Significant Figures! Learn the two rules for sig figs. They won't change, nor will the point deductions for errors.
Chemistry Web Links

General Links

Nelson Site

This book on the web is full of practice exercises and explanations of topics that we'll be covering throughout the semester.

Purdue Chemistry

This is the general chemistry program where I learned to teach, several years ago. These web sites didn't exist when I was there, but I bet my old students wish they did.

Guide to Problem Solving. Don't take this one too seriously.

Miramar Web Links

Miramar College Web Site

Chemistry Department

Biology Department

Miramar College Map (Area Map)

San Diego Community College District

Miramar Logo
General Information
Course Details (CRN 83592)
M (5:00-6:30 p.m.), W (5:30-10:00 p.m.) in Room A-117.
Schedule and Syllabus

Email: lingnerd@saic.com or dlingner@sdccd.net

Please consider these email addresses as my 24-hour office hours, and send me a note any time. If it's the weekend, please use the SDCCD address, as I only access the SAIC address from my office.
Animated typist.

Web address: http://intergate.miramar.sdccd.cc.ca.us/faculty/dlingner/.
(Site created by David Lingner.)

Secondary (mirror) web site address, in case you can't get here, is http://www.geocities.com/chem151sp2000/. This mirror site will not be updated as often as the Miramar site.