The Quote
"Superwise is a four piece group, performing cleverly written and arranged original songs. Hard to place into a single genre of music, their sound has been described as everything from "Confused Groove", to "Hippie Funk" to "Light-hearted Heavy Alternative." Known for their high energy live performances, Superwise is a band that is definitely worth seeing." ---Jan-Eric Steel Blitz Review---
The Band
Casey is the drummer. Legend has it that Casey has been playing since birth. We don't know for sure if that is true, but it makes a good story.-----Sean plays guitar. A semi-reformed deadhead, he is patiently waiting for Jerry to rise from the grave; signaling the true beginning of the new millennium.-----Scott stands in front of the band. What can you say the boy is nuts. Scott seems to have a bit more energy than everyone else, which makes people want "whatever it is he's on."-----Bill plays bass. A jazzy, funky, groove junky, Bill holds down the bass and still has time to mix a mean Martini.- - -
The Music
Superwise manages to mix four eclectic musical backgrounds into a sound that is hard to resist. Infectious melodies, soothing transitions and suprising changes abound in their unusually happy compositions.
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