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=== cheese my dogs me === kevin zyra dr. pitri [down] === |
Welcome to my page. Look around and have fun! Wednesday, July 24, 2002 It has been a while since I updated my page, but since I only work a few times a week, I might actually have time to update this page. **Sad News** Frog has died. Toad is still alive, and I recently bought two more frogs. They still do not have names. If anyone has ideas, they can email me: evilcat_99@budlight.com. Only 1 more year of school left. Actually it is less than a year, since I start at the end of August, and finish at the beginning of May. Sunday, November 18, 2001 Happy Thanksgiving in a few days. I'm looking forward to going home and being with family! The year seems to go so fast. Only 3 more semesters till I graduate! Then I'll have to find a job..... or go back to school. One of these places will probably be my future: http://www.gradschools.com/listings/midwest/bio_micro_midw.html Oh yes, how exciting. Next semester I get to take scanning electron microscopy, molecular biotechnology, epidemiology, and biochemistry! Along with jogging and a history class! Friday, August 31, 2001 MAN, it's been a long while since I've been back here. I probably won't do much, since I don't live on-campus anymore. I don't have the freedom of being connected 24/7 with high speed internet access. Boo-hoo. :'-( But then again, I don't have an RA or hall meetings or any of that kind of crap. And, I don't have to eat in Mac ever again if I don't want to. Friday, February 02, 2001 Happy Groundhog Day! Damn gopher saw his shadow. That means.... winter... longer... cold! Maybe he didn't really see his shadow. Maybe he really can't see all that well. Dammit, class is calling.... Monday, January 29, 2001 gah! music class sux. it's only a 2 credit class, and yet i'll probably put more time into it than my 4 credit classes. dumb fine art elective. i know fine art! i don't need a music class to tell me. oh well. its almost the end of january. that means its closer to spring break. i'm trying to avoid doing work. haha. Tuesday, January 16, 2001 Happy January and Happy 2001! Hope everyone's third millennium is just great! other than that, i'm back at school, and i might be making some changes to the site... if i can pull myself away from sim theme park! Tuesday, December 12, 2000 My birthday has come and gone, and now there is only finals for the next week. Nothing more exciting till the 22nd, when i can go home.. for a month. Now, i wait until i turn 21,22,23,40,56,80.. whatever, until i'm too old to walk. Sounds like an exciting life along the way... well, at least there is something to look forward to! Wednesday, November 29, 2000 Only 11 days till my birthday... hopefully you're finished shopping. :-) if not, you better get started! hope everyone's holiday was good. also, get ready for evilcat's birthday bash in Myth 2. if u didn't know, i am evilcat. yeah. i am evil. but, i sux at myth. but i dont really care. haha. too bad for all those who beat me. ok, done rambling!
Chan has been here times.