About Me
My name is Jeffrey Rich and I am a graduate from the computer science program at Tennessee Tech. I am currently employed at Intergraph PPO in Huntsville , AL. I am really enjoying the job. A couple of my classmates from Tennessee Tech are also working for Intergraph.

Until recently, I have lived in Pleasant Shade, TN. I enjoy learning new things about people, about life, and about God and the Bible. I like Superman and any superhero. I like science fiction movies like Star Wars. I like to play basketball or any type of sport whether I am good at them or not. I watch SEC basketball and football. I enjoy writing fiction or science fiction. I am 6 foot and 1 1/2 inches tall. I have hazel eyes and dark blond hair. I have an older brother and an older sister. I graduated from Smith County High School in 1997. Several of my high school classmates are attending or have graduated from Tennessee Tech, also.
I am getting married on June 19th at 2:00 PM CDT which is away.

Some more Links:
Thought of the Day
Fantasy Baseball
My Games Page
My Superman Page
My Info:
Name: Jeffrey Rich
Email: jmrich@knology.net