
Welcome to my virtual domain (btw I borrowed the above picture from somewhere but I don't remember where...that was 2002).
I started this web page my freshman year in undergrad as an assignment for a class and it has sorta stayed around as something to mess with every once in a while. Unlike the rest of the world which has evolved into complex flashy shockwavemacromoviesplashblog files, I'm too lazy. So for now this will stay as they say "old skool"

Originally I am from Northbrook Il (so now revisit that "old skool" comment with appropriate north shore accent and Mean Girls demeanor, funny isn't it?) I graduated from a little podunk educational facility on the North Shore called Glenbrook North High School, where I learned nothing about grammar, and a lot about Pro Tools.

For all you movie buffs this is the school where they shot scenes for Ferris bueller's Day Off, and a bunch of other John Hughes films, but is now better known for it's CNN coverage on hazing in high schools. Good job morons. I'm sure I could dredge up a link, but again too lazy. I'm sure a Google search will give you all the info you could want. Nope not going to hyperlink that either, type it in yourself.

Not so recently graduated from the University of Miami and more recently obtaining my masters from USC's film school I have finally decided to strike out into the real world. I'm sure there's a PhD program somewhere I could use to prevent this, but at current educational prices I might as well mortage my soul for a house in California. But I've had some fun along the way and almost died a few times so on to what this page is about:

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