Welcome to the insane world of Angie...  Enter if you dare!
If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE!
I am a volunteer and employee of the
Johnson City Animal Shelter in
Johnson City, Tennessee.
You are visitor number
One of my favorite things to do as an animal shelter volunteer is take photographs of the animals for the Petfinder website. I usually do this once or twice a week (and would appreciate any help offered).  If you'd like to see the animals currently available at the Johnson City/Washington County Animal Control Center,
CLICK HERE!  Then you have to click on our pets or something like that.  The animals are updated tuesday nights and saturday afternoons.  Photography by Angie of course.
Favorite Quotes:
If you pet doesnt like someone, then you probably shouldnt either!
Diets are the root of all evil.  They are the reason everyone is fat.  - Rosanne
I've already gone insane, I'm on my way back normal again - ME & Jessica!

Sam's Story
and have your tissues handy.
Follow the links below to learn more about me....................  If you are brave enough.
Photos of ME!
Bear... The cutest doggy in the world...
Click here for his page.
My latest Picture
August 2004
I have Yahoo, MSN, and AOL instant messengers.  Feel free to send me a message anytime.  My aol screen name is PsychoElmoFrog.  My MSN is elmothefrog@hotmail.com, and my yahoo is AngieElmoFrog.
The Creativity Page
Most by Angie
I also work for an inventory company and for East Tennessee State University (I teach a class)
I am a full time student in the Graduate program for Sociology at East Tennessee State University