This page was last updated on: September 26,2004

James Restivo: Bartender, College Graduate, Environmental Scientist, Future CEO, Lover Extrordinaire.

What Changed?:I'm updating all that I can.

Check out some Mystery Birds.

Here's are a few pictures of myself and some friends.

This is the link to the PEARL JAM CENTER. Here you'll find Pearl Jam related stuff. It's just the setlists of the shows I've been to, for now. Enjoy!

This is the link to my birding page. Here you'll find reports of some of my recent birding expeditions.

Things I like to do:
Most everything. Mainly I go birdwatching a lot, plus hang with friends, play guitar, go out on the town, travel the world, etc.

This page is:
Fun for the whole family!

Email me at if you want to complain, bitch, moan, sell something, etc. If you want to talk, communicate, or have valuable info for me use how only the domain is different on my e-mail addresses. real original, am i not?)
Please come back soon and visit me, or i'll break your legs. Have a nice day! :)

Carboxypeptidase A is a proteolytic enzyme that hydrolyzes the C-terminus peptide bond. It is specific for aromatic or bulky aliphatic side chains. Just in case you didn't know.

James' exciting list of exciting websites for your excitment. Exciting, isn't it?

FiveHorizons: A Pearl Jam Fanzine
Rare Bird Alert
Teen/Youth Birding Web Ring
Web Poetry Corner(among other things)
My Poem: In the End

That's pretty much it for me. As of yet, I haven't found a greater purpose for this page, so I'm going to keep it as a place for people to find out a little bit about me. Thanks for visiting.

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook, or forever face the penalty of my wrath! Your choice. :)
You are visitor number since I decided to reset my counter(9/22/98). Hope you enjoyed it number!

Looking California, but feeling Minnesota

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