Carl's Pictures of Sea Year

Picture of Carl, the cadet who women loved and men feared.
Another picture of Carl. This is my Das Boot look. The women love that rugged but sensitive look.

Addresses of USMMA Class of 1999 Graduates

USMMA 99 Addresses

These are new pictures from Graduation, Week at North Carolina, the Ken Savelli party, trip the New Hampshire, and park celebrations.

USMMA 99 Graduation Weekend.

Week at North Carolina.

Pictures of my trip to New Hampshire and Ken Savelli's graduation party .

The park after the liscence exams.

Here are some of my friends from sea, the academy, and from home.

Pictures of my friends and family from sea, home, academy, and other places.

Pig Roast and 50 Nights

Pictures of the Pig Roast, 50 Nights Party and other pictures.

New Pictures

Older Pictures put on by Popular Demand

Pictures of Monday night Football in the Pub and old pictures of sea year on the USNS Big Horn.
New Pictures of class of 2002 Recognition and the Markely Abduction.

Older Pictures put on by Popular Demand

Recognition Class 2002

Third Co group photo #1.
Third Co group photo #2.
Mulvey leading the company in marching.
Third Co in the Oval before the plebes became fouth classmen.
Kurt S and Clasen are getting ready for the WWF.

More sea year photos from the USNS Big Horn

Massa, Lt. Roberts and I have a drink at the California Bar.
Massa, Bill, Wag, and Josh are having a drink in Rota, Spain.
Jester getting crazy with his Spanish friends.
Wade after a hard night of drinking.
Wade and Shawn relaxing.
"The circus is back in town." A quote from the cadet's best friend on the Big Horn.
Here is another Big Horn geek.
Massa, Jester, and Lucas enjoying their free time from the hardships of ship life.
Massa celebrating his birthday in Spain.
Sarran and I at the bull fighting ring in Santa Maria, Spain.
Wade and new friend in Greece.
Massa and Lucas joking around with each other.
wade and I singing to the ladies in the El Open Arms bar in Spain.
Wade, Jester, and I having fun in Malaga, Spain
Wade and Jester having a beer in Malaga, Spain.
Wade, Jester, Bobby Love, and I at the California Bar. Rota, Spain
Lucas and Jester getting crazy in the Fun Pub.

Seal Team 3 recently completed another successful mission with the abduction and tieing Markely to the flag pole. I have recently attained the photos taken during this raid. The Seal Team 3 members are classified so their faces were blacked out to protect their identities. Hope you enjoy these photos.

Markely being tied to the flag pole.
Markely with pillow over his head.
Markely being woken up from his beauty sleep.
Markely being taken to the flag pole.
Markely being tied to the flag pole.
A member of Seal Team 3 proud of their raid.
Markely does not look happy.
Seal Team 3 successful in yet another mission.
Here is a wonderful display of spirt.
Seal Team 3 laughs at Markely's pain.

Come back again. Will be adding more pictures in near future.

If you have any pictures of academy life you want posted on this site just send them to me. Also give ideas of new sections to add on the site. E-mail me at with you name, e-mail, and picture (if you can send it by computer).

Keep me updated on what you are doing after graduation. I will post your activities on my web page to keep everyone informed.

My Mission onboard the Zeus.

Here are some of my pictures from the Zeus.

Best Methods of Cooling Beer
Which cooling method allows for the best tasting beer?

Stream from the Rockies
Ice in a cooler
Outside on a winters day.
Such a lush it does not matter

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