Life Story of Eitan Sela

I am 23 years old , I was born on 23th of august in Kibutz Beit Nir in Israel.

Now i am living in Ashkelon and study in Ashkelon College for the first degree in Computer Science and Math.

My elemntary school and part of the high school i had done living in Rishon Lezion, A city not far from Tel-Aviv.

I had studied Electronics in high school and got very good marks on it !

When i finished high school i joined the army, army in Israel is mandatory ! You have to serve for three years.

In the army i served in combat unit of tanks, First as a gunner And later as tank commander, I enjoied much from my service.

After finishing my service i worked as a security officer at Intel FAB 18 at Kiryat Gat, After 3 month i moved to Netivot.

In Netivot i had found a job at ECI Telecom as Final Test product runner.

After the studies has started i quit ECI Telecom and concentreted on my studies, After the Exams of the first Semester i Found a job in The Jewish Agency as a security officer,

This job has very high responsibility because i have to take care of a whole absorption center - That means 400 pepoles !

I am now finishing the Second year of my studies for the first degree in Computer Science at Ashkelon college (The responsibility of Bar Ilan university)

And i got 1 year left !!!...

My hobbies are :

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