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Forth edition
October 21st 1998
Welcome to the latest edition of Mustache
Mania. I would like to start off with an apology. Some
subscribers have been unable to read the newsletters. I have
tried many different ways of saving and sending the file. I have
on last trick up my sleeve and hopefully this one will work.
Also please note that I post all Issues of
Mustache Mania on my web page http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Theater/1649/mustache.html I have also managed to find the first edition of MM
(Mustache Mania) I is posted on my web page as well I encourage
all of you to check it out. The first issue was sent out last
spring if I recall correctly.
Administrative Message
www.negz.com I accidentally deleted my whole cgi-bin Ouch so
site will be under construction till I get this repaired. Mail in
any visual changes, thanks;
Funny True Story:
Earlier this week a friend and I were walk
down the street on our way to the bus stop. There was this lady
walking in front of us walking very slowly taking up the entire
sidewalk. We could have walked on the road around her, but I
thought Id make things interesting. I turn to my male
friend and said, loud enough for this lady to her me, "So
how is your boyfriend doing?" he plays along and says
"good and hows yours?" Of course I reply
"Hes great hes moving in with me next week, my
dad still doesnt like the idea but my mom since she ran off
with her new girl friend thinks its cool" Just then
the lady stops, steps to the side and turns toward us, she is
constantly looking at us as we pass her. Then she starts walking
behind us with a weird look on her face. We started laughing and
kept walking. You have to realize that we are both straight and
just wanted to get by. This might be on of those situations that
you have to be there, but I thought it was funny and its my
newsletter so like it or write your own stories and send them to
As most people know people are trying to
set up a meeting for all Negz/Rockweb regulars. Please if you
havent yet e-mail Tanya the following information:
1. When we meet, are YOU planning on
2. IF youre not sure, WHY, what's
stopping you?
3. Where are you currently
living? I'm trying to get an idea of who lives
where, to see if we can kind of meet either
centrally, if we're all kind of spread out, or
maybe meet where the majority is living.
Send your e-mails to Tanya at tmcnew@hom.net

Got questions and need answers? Look no
further, because Mustache Mania is now featuring "Just Ask
Alice". An advice column for real people with real problems,
also for stupid people with stupid problems. Either way you can't
go wrong with the wisdom you will receive when you ask Alice a
question, and its completely confidential.
Until the form for the column is set up
please send all questions to justaskalice@hotmail.com
Thanks, Lots of love;
Survey question:
The survey question this week is kind of
gross, but interesting. If you were up to you neck in a pile of
shit and someone was about to puke on your head, would you duck?
Please e-mail your answers and your reason to, mustachemania@hotmail.com Next issue we will have the results of the survey
and the top 3 reasons. Remember all e-mails to Mustache Mania
will be assumed to be completely confidential, unless otherwise
stated by the mailer.
Word Jumbo:
Unscramble the word and the letters in the
box make up the secret word.
U |
N |
F |
E |
T |
W |
E |
S |
A |
T |
G |
E |
R |
Z |
E |
N |
R |
O |
F |
If anyone is interested in making up small
games like the one above please contact me at Mustachemania@hotmail.com
I have been approached by several people to
have a recipe section where people can have their favorite
recipes published. So please e-mail me your favorite dishes!
If you have and question, comments or
anything you would like to be seen or published in Mustache Mania
please contact me. The more e-mails I get the better the
newsletter will be. Thanks, Ben Mustachemania@hotmail.com; Mead1a@hotmail.com.
This has been a Mustache Mania
production all rights reserved. Mustache ManiaÔ is a
trade mark of Mustache Inc. all Mustache names logos and
products are own and copyrighted by Mustache Inc. Ô
Copyrighted 1998 ã