Welcome to Donkeljohn's Webspace
I believe it was Rob Zombie who once inquired:
"Who is this insatiable creature who has an irresistable love for the dead?"

While I am neither necromantic, nor a fan of Rob Zombie, I believe in the redemption of our ancestors and the fun found in being charismatic.

My interests: Racquetball, Ultimate Frisbee,
Lord of the Rings, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, finding symbolism in art, and long walks on the beach. Well, maybe the beach.

You'll usually find me: At work, at the Oakland Temple, out on the town, or out like a light.
Below: The many faces of Donkeljohn
Me, with my cousin Cole, at my grandmother's marriage Feb 15, 2001.
Mom, Dad, and I on Christmas, 2003.
Screaming Produce