Calvin and Hobbes

Welcome to my Castle

Have Fun!!

Dilbert Zone
Shermans lagoon


Come Freely, go safely and leave something of the happiness you bring

(count Dracula in Bram Stroker, "Dracula", 1897)

My interests are:
Theatre, Environment and building nuclear devices from simple household appliances.

Personal Bio

Links (check out the Malt Pages!)
If You wonder what I'm studying this may give you an hint:

Email me at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.
Have had enough time to care about these pages.... :)
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Ein guter Kontakt nach Frankreich

Some picture libraries:
Bilder von der Lahn Kanufahrt '98

Bilder von Finnland

Bilder von Schottland

Bilder von Andrews Island (Bahamas) (das letzte paradies auf Erden)

Pictures of a party in Emden....

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*sigh* IM NOT WRITING ALL THIS STUFF, I don't endorse it! But I'm forced to use it anyway. Once again Sorry....