Welcome to My Humble Home

I used to work at a retail store, and every so often I encountered some VERY strange individuals, some of which I am pretty sure escaped from HELL, and others who probably belong in sanitariums. Anyhow, over my EIGHT years of working there--I have compiled a LARGE list of things that annoy me. Well, here, check it out yourself:

I Ain't Krazee

I also invite you to check out my NON work-related list:

Pet Peeves


I am sure I am not the only one who has questioned my sanity

that's why I offer you this TEST. Turns out I have not lost my marbles quite yet.


I am also a fan of Monty Python. They are hilarious, and so I offer a link to their website.

There you can look up their looney sketches, songs, and movies like,

Monty Python and the Holy Grail (a personal favorite). "It's just a flesh wound!"


Come see my School. I am now an alumnus.

In little ol' El Paso, Texas.,


Stay tuned, I am not done yet.....

1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005

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