
    If you're here on this page, then you know who I am and what all I am about.  I decided to abandon my old page.  Why, you ask?  Well people I just got tired of people whining, bitching, moaning, and complaining to me about it.  I would have never thought when I started out making MY OWN WEB PAGE that I would have to justify myself to everyone.  I mean, damnit, it IS MY web page.  I can put what I want on it.  If you don't like it, then get the hell off.  Simple as that.  That's all there is to it.  So I'm not gonna make this one quite as extravagant as the old one.  Why?  Simply because I don't want the shit that comes with it.   ....The other reason?  I reached 1000 hits today, figured that's a milestone and it's time to start over!
    Hope you enjoy what I do with MY PAGE!  :-)


Here are some pictures of myself and my closest friends.

This section is made up of poetry I write.

I will write in a journal here.  Yeah I started a new one since I am in College now.

You can find information about the University I attend here.

    Well people, that's it for now.  Maybe after a while or when I'm feeling creative I'll add more.  Most of you only care about these sections anyway.  If you care to, drop me a line about what you think.