Bio for Her Majesty Lisa, Queen of the Italians:
Wrongfully banished from Italy following a torrid affair with a non-Italian commoner (who stole the Italian's most eligible bachelor), King Villano III turned to the safe anonymity of New Jersey to begin his new life with his lady love. Soon thereafter, their daughter was born. Immediately upon her birth, King Villano III recognized the royal child's extreme beauty, and proclaimed the child henceforth be addressed as Her Majesty Lisa, Queen of the Italians.
Fearful that his cover would be blown, King Villano moved his family to Fairbanks, Alaska, where he and his wife took on the guise of teachers. Queen Lisa, under the assumed name of Lisa Villano, took on the guise of a normal student until this past summer, when her people welcomed her back to Italy, and officially crowned her queen. Being slightly impaired because of subzero temperatures, she has chosen to rule her countrymen from Alaska while finishing college (at The University of Alaska, Fairbanks.)
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