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M.and.Y's Avatar CollectionM.and.Y’s Magic: The Gathering DecksM.and.Y’s Favorite LinksPoems, Stories, Photos, & Art by M.and.YM.and.Y’s opinions, theories, and general bitchingsWould you like to know the REAL M.and.Y?M.and.Y’s Hot Guys!!!M.and.Y’s Fun Page!
Sign M.and.Y’s Guestbook! PLEASE!Send M.and.Y Mail! M.and.Y@excite.com

You are now at the new Firefox Friendly version of my website.
You should feel freakin' privileged!
I updated the quiz about me, but just a little.
I have some poem additions that I need to remember to update some day.
I'm still thinking of changing some crap on here.
Let me know if you want me to write more in certain stories that are incomplete.
Also if you want me to write a story or poem on a certain subject for you, let me know!
I'm still looking for a new project!

I have a guestbook, so PLEASE sign it!
I need to know what you like & don't & where I screwed up!

Stop Right There!