General 1998
As a student employee of
the Dupre Library for the past 2.5 years, I got a first hand account of
all the nice things that happen there. The director there now some
guy named Charles something, was actually director pro-tempore just like
the director before him. This lasted until USL realized they couldn't
get a real director, so they merely moved up the next person available,
not accounting for years or experience. Not to mention a certain
new member of the staff who came from the post office (did I mention he
was a good friend of Charlie?).
Everyone Knows about the
ceiling collapsing on the 3rd floor. But how many know that the leak
is still not fixed? And what about that mold on the books?
Why wasn't that ever repaired? Well, because USL doesn't have the
money to install a proper A/C unit to cool or heat for 24 hours and keep
a constant temperature on the 3rd floor. That's why you sneeze everytime
you walk through the H's. It's a little known fact that the 3rd floor
won't be finished once the renovation & expansion project is completed.
They don't have the money!!! The 2nd and 1st floors are going to
be crammed with too many books. Good luck with those research
papers in the next year or two. Other than having NO storage space
and many ancient books, and 2 computer networks that are off-line more
than they're on-line, it's a great library :-).
To submit to these and any other
topics, please email me