Summer 1996
Housing Packing
Over the Summer Break
of 1996, I went home for 5 days leaving my belongings in my dorm room.
I returned to find everything I had and some of my roommate's things packed
for me. I received NO phone calls or notices at school or home in
regards to moving out. I did fail to pay my prepayment, however I
was not notified as to their plans of moving me out. Not only did
the men break the lock on my trunk, I discovered my swiss army knife and
other various other objects missing. Of course I could file a complaint,
but it wouldn't amount to anything because I "abandoned" my things.
Summer 1998
Financial Aid Extension Rejection
In the Summer of 1998
my Financial Aid cam in, and I was about $300 short for my Housing.
I knew I coudl get half the money from my parents who live 3 hours away
in North Louisiana. But it would take two days for the check to come
to me. I told the Housing Director (Lisa Landry), but she didn't
even try to extend me those 2 days. My parents transferred the money
to my checking account. The money sat overnight in the main branch
of their bank. The check I wrote bounced anyway, so they still got
their money two days late.
August 1998
Football Housing
In the Fall of 1998,
my now-husband was conveniently "moved out" of his private room in Stokes
Hall to accomodate football players. During the weekend of checkout,
his job prevented him from being able to pack and move. He asked
if I could do it for him. His Area Coordinator ("Geno" Washington)
said no because I'm female. I moved him out and cleaned that room,
after moving myself. He was lucky enough not to serve the same sentice
I did in the Summer of 1996.
To submit to these and any other
topics, please email me