Helms' Web Page

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This is Chris Helms here, I am a senior Financial Services major at Wright State University located in lovely Dayton, Ohio. I would like to say hey to some of my friends; Muss, Swickard, Revercomb, Kagey, Chip, Smith, Lewie, Walsh, Jade, Jimmy Smalls, Brad, Shannon, Julie and even Eddie. There should be mention of my brothers; Tom, Nick and Andy (good luck in the upcoming football season with the Irish of Fisher Catholic--week three will be interesting against the ol' alma mater). I would also like to say hey to my girlfriend of almost 7 years and now my fiance as of November 11th, 1999, Brande Schell, who is the main source of joy and also frustration in my life today->but she knows I love and care for her very much. We are getting married on February 17th, 2001.  

Here is the countdown to the big day.

This picture is a link to my page devoted entirely to M.J. and his career.

This is my alma mater, Newark Catholic->go check it out.

Here is a family picture from X-Mas 1997(the last time we have all seen each other). On the top (from left to right) Andy, Me and James. The bottom (left to right also) Nick, Constance and Tom.

Here is a picture of my friends before senior prom at Hooters->it is all about class fellas. This also serves as a link to my friend Chip's site at N.D.

Read My Guestbook! | Sign My Guestbook!

Look at my friend Brad Hostasa, who is an Athlete in Action here.

Look at my new EMAIL LIST here.

Take a look at my various interests (movies, music and T.V.) here.

Look at pictures of the fam and friends here.

Take a voyage of various links to my friends' schools and other interests.

Check out pictures from my trip to ND.

Here is Rob Kelly, an N.C. alum, click on him and check out his site.

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Last updated on 01/27/00.