Welcome to the online portfolio of Christopher Todd Browder

Click here for personal information.
Click here to read about my philosophy of ESOL teaching.
Click the following links to learn how I meet TESOL standards for teacher education and view my qualifications for TESOL related positions:



planning, implementing, and managing instruction


letters and evaluations
transcripts and scores
What this portfolio attempts to show

The purpose of this portfolio is to promote myself as a professional in the field of TESOL (teaching English to speakers of other languages - often equated with or associated with ESOL Education, Bilingual Education, ESL, EFL, SLA, and Applied Linguistics). I hope that this portfolio will show where I am in my current state of professional development in this field and how far I have come. I also hope that, by making this portfolio, I can make information about myself available to any potential employers or people needing consultation. But most of all, I hope that by making this portfolio I can learn about myself as a TESOL professional, reflect on my own development, and consider my choices for the future.


How this portfolio is organized

This portfolio is organized according to the TESOL/NCATE Standards for the Accreditation of Initial Programs in P-12 ESL Teacher Education. These national standards were developed to guide teacher development programs in the development of their teacher candidates. Each section of my portfolio represents a different standard. By clicking any of the standards listed in the column on the left side of this page, one can read about the standards, learn how I adhere to them as a TESOL professional, and view documents to support my claims.


These standards were copywritten by Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL) in 2002.