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These pages are maintained by the Theta Gamma Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Please email any comments or questions to
Last updated January 6, 1999.
All Rights Reserved. 1998
******Greetings Sorors,

This web site is still under MAJOR construction. I am asking that this web address not be given to anyone (other than sorors) until it has been completed. I am only publishing this site to get feedback from all of YOU. Please review the site and offer your complete and honest feedback. I am looking for lots of suggestions.

Currently I am working on the site layout, and its navigation. I have not began much on it's content. This is where I need your HELP the most. Please email all suggestions, pictures, comments, whatever to me. (to ) I have lots of ideas, and I'm sure you do to, but keep in mind that this can't be done overnight and that our resources are not that great. I will try to accomidate all suggestions.

Oh yeah, if any information is left out or is incorrect please email me with the correct info. Also if you do not agree with what is published please let me know and I will change it. This is a work in progress, nothing is final. This will be a collabrative project. I want cooperation and collbaration from EVERYONE. This will be our link to the world. This will represent Theta Gamma on the world wide web. Please take an interest in what we are doing.


Angel Ellis
Theta Gamma
Spring '98
Click Here