I don't have many games at the moment. Here are a few that I collected over the Internet. I can't give them for downloading. But I can put them on my website so here they are. All these links open in another window so you don't have to hit the back button .This page is kept intact for you to come back and see another game
This is just like the windows Minesweeper. Infact its so much like the windows version, you can't tell it apart. Check it out, its cool.If you lose. Click here to play the game.
This is slightly different from the Hangman games that you know. The Difference is that no one is hanged. But the rest of the game is same. Click GO to generate a word and then click the buttons to input letters in. This is really cool. Check itout. Click here to play the game.
Guess the Number
Just a simple game in which ou have to guess the number that the computer is thinking. There are hints along the wa. Great game for kids. Click here to play the game.
Othello --- Temporarily Not working
I'm sure many know this one. Try to cover up the board with your colour. This is a java applet so it may take some time to display. But its a fun game. Sorry !! No link
This is an awesome 3D driving game that runs as a java applet. Just make sure you drive without falling of the road or hitting anything else. Check this out. This game make take a slight while to load. If ou're running a really slow computer like mine then the graphics of the game will be choppy. Click here to play this game.
Connect Four
This is another Java applet. I have no idea, how I got it or from where I got it. Anyway, it's really cool. You can play against the computer. It loads fast too. Click here to play the game.
This is just another version of the ever so popular Othello.
Besides its done by Moi !!
Click here to play the game.
This is just a simple version of mastermind. It's simple 'coz I made it. But its okay ! SO check it out. Click here to play the game.
Well, those are all the games I have for now. I'm gonna keep updating this so be sure to visit me again.
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