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Site Info--All about me
Cool Stuff, Utilities in Math and random Stuff!! Check it out. You won't be disappointed
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Hello dear visitor. I see you have found my site. Click on any button on the left and see what turns up. It's no surprise, the links speak for themselves. (I think). Here's a brief overview what what this site contains.

Site Info ---- Well maybe this is not so obvious. It's all about the author,meaning Moi!!. Oh come one it's not that boring. Okay maybe it is.

Tutorials ---- Aha !! now here's something useful. I have tutorials on HTML, Java and C++. I'm still working on them so they may not all be available yet.

Links ---- They take you to unchartered and never-seen-before territory. Or just to another site. Depends on how you look at it.

Stuff ---- This was originally meant to be my downloads section. But that's gonna take a while to develop.So instead it's got stuff. What stuff ?? Well, some really cool stuff, utilities, etc. Check it out.

Games --- This section will provide online games . Will take a while though !!

Search --- Exactly what it says!! Search for stuff using search engines like yahoo, excite, etc.

News --- The latest news about what's happening in science and technology

Weather --- This pages gives you the weather forecast of Canadian cities

Services --- Free Services --- Chat with your friends, Post messages on the Message Board, Send online Greeting Cards and much more.

Mail List --- This is my mailing list. Join it for various tips on different subjects in computing or sometimes just the latest happening and products in computers.

Guestbook --- Obvious isn't it. My guestbook !!! You visited my site so let me know who you are by dropping me a note and your comments (on this site of course).

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