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I'm visiting some family and friends in Central and Southern California this weekend. I left this afternoon and arrived in Santa Barbara a few hours later. It's a beautiful drive-- along the coast some of the way. I stopped at one of the state beaches and just sat. My life's been tougher than usual the past month, but I suppose I'm lucky that I have the opportunities to take this time off and get away from the problems. They're still waiting for me at home, for sure, but this weekend, I'll leave them behind and simply have fun. What else can I do?"I think you're so mean; I think we should try; I think I could need this in my life; I think I'm just scared, I think too much; I know this is wrong, it's a problem I'm dealing. If you're gone, maybe it's time to go home. There's an awful lot of breathing room, but I can hardly move. If you're gone, baby you need to come home. 'Cause there's a little bit of "something me" in 'everything in you.'" -RT, 2000.
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