love these flowers in Biwa Lake garden (Japan)
maple leaves make the environment really very beautiful
is me in Nong Khai (Thailand)
is me when graduated from AIT, Bangkok (Thailand)
the Mekong river at Nong Khai (Thailand)
I am from Bihar, INDIA. My field of interest is Water Resources Engineering. Till 1995 I stayed in India where I had my Bachelor of Technology (Ag. Engg.) from Rajendra Agricultural University, Bihar, Pusa. I love travelling and I have been to almost all the places in the southern part of India but I am still to visit the north of India. India is full of beautiful sceneries and there is alot of diversities with regard to topography, climate, plantation, food, dresses, culture, customs, languages and infrastructures. I really love going through the places in India and still I am looking for an opportunity to go around the vast tracts. If you are interested to visit India, please have informations on TourIndia page. Particularly, Bihar has been the place of Lord Buddha, Lord Mahavira, Ashoka, Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa. Lord Buddha got his enlightment at Bodhgaya (Bihar). Many other informations related to my province, Bihar, can be found in the page of Bihar.
Recently, I have enjoyed my stay at Kyoto (JAPAN) for a long time. I finished my Doctor of Agriculture from Kyoto University (JAPAN) in the field of Water Resources Engineering from the Laboratory of Water Resources Engineering. This laboratory is an important field under the Division of Environmental Science and Technology in the Graduate School of Agriculture. Kyoto is famous for its cultural heritage and scenic beauty and most of the visitors to Japan like to visit Kyoto. If you are interested to have some information on Kyoto, please see here. I like the life in Kyoto, which is full of festivals and events. I have many good memories while staying in Kyoto. If you are interested, please visit here to see some of the photographs that I keep as my sweet memories. There are many places in Japan worth visiting including the Disneyland (Tokyo) and the Universal Studio (Osaka). I have many friends in Japan and few of them can be visited on this page.
Before coming to Japan, I had a good stay in Bangkok and other cities of THAILAND when I studied and worked there. I had my Master of Engineering from Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok in the field of Irrigation Engineering and Management (Water Engineering and Management). After graduating, I also worked in Thailand. I love the food of Thailand. I like Tom-Yam, Som-tam, Khao-Niao, Kai-Ping and many more and I hope most of South Asians would like them. Thailand has alot of places to visit. It has the mountains, sea shores, and beautiful historical placed to go around. I am still to go through the north of Thailand. These are some of my Friends in Thailand.
Satya Priya has been a helping hand for me throughout my academic life. He finished his Doctoral studies from University of Tokyo and now he is working in INDIA.
The photo file shows more of the memories of the past, if you are interested please go to the album.
are some of my favourite stars.
of the interesting sites which I like and might be of some use to you also:
you are interested in my career profile, please go below this portion.
Mailing Address
Alok Kumar
Water Resources Engineering
Division of Environmental Science and Technology
Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Kitashirakawa Oiwake-Cho, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto 606-8502, JAPAN
Tel: +81 75 753 6160 ; Fax: +81 75 753 6349
e-mail: alokk@rocketmail.com
Marital Status
2000-03 D. Agri.
Water Resources Engineering
Graduate School of
Kyoto University
Kyoto, Japan
1995-97 M. Eng.
Irrigation Engineering
& Management
School of Civil Engineering
Asian Institute of Technology
Bangkok, Thailand
1988-92 B. Tech.
Agricultural Engineering
College of Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural University
Pusa, Bihar, India
October 1998 – December
Employer: Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok
Position: Research Associate
Responsibilities: To assist the organization of International Workshop on the Information Management for the Agricultural Research. To assist the organization of Study Tour of the visiting officers. Further to assist analyzing the data and writing papers concerning research.
March 1998 – September
Employer: Belgroma Ltd., Belgium
Position: Local Water Management Expert
Responsibility: To plan and monitor efficient irrigation systems, to plan and monitor the flood protection activities, and to provide technical assistance for training the Water User Groups and the Pump Operators to operate the water management more efficiently for the “On-Farm Development of the Huai Mong Irrigation Project”.
July 1997 - September
Employer: STS Eng. Consultants Co. Ltd.
Position: Technical Consultant
Responsibility: To prepare the project quotation, design and report for the various water resources projects.
Doctoral Thesis. (April
2000 - March 2003)
The topic of my doctoral research is "Optimum Allocation of Discharged Pollutant Loads from Nonpoint Sources in a Watershed Using GIS". This research includes the development of a method to optimally allocate allowable discharged pollutant loads from non-point sources in a watershed using multiobjective optimization theory and Geographic Information System (GIS). The modeling of watershed is carried out using ArcView GIS and all the geographic calculations are done using the same. The study area is fragmented into regular grids of same size and each grid is considered as individual land management unit (LMU). The area of each LMU and flow length from each LMU to the outlet of watershed is determined using GIS. The pollutant load from each LMU is considered to consist of two components; pollutant load by overland flow and pollutant load by subsurface flow. The values of watershed-wide self-purification coefficients are considered to be different for overland flow and subsurface flow. Using the calculated values of flow length and assumed values of watershed-wide self-purification coefficient, a two-objective linear programming model is formulated. The objective function maximizes total allowable discharged pollutant loads from LMUs and promotes equal allocation to LMUs in a sub-watershed, subject to the constraints of effluent limitation at the outlet of the sub-watershed, relation among mean effluents from different types of LMUs, relation between effluents through overland flow and subsurface flow in each LMU and minimum limit of effluent in each LMU. In order to demonstrate the model’s ability, the model developed is also applied to a sub-watershed of the Yasu river basin in Shiga Prefecture, Japan to determine the optimum allocation of discharged loads of total nitrogen from different LMUs in the sub-watershed.
Master Thesis. (September
1996 - February 1997)
A study was conducted at the International Crop Research Institute for the Semi - Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), India which included the rainfall runoff simulation for cropped agricultural plots comprising Vertic Inceptisol. A rainfall-runoff model was developed, calibrated, and validated, and then was used for predicting the runoff, deep percolation, soil water content and evapotranspiration. The study concluded that there is enough scope to harvest the runoff from the agricultural plots in the wet season which could be utilized for irrigation during the dry season.
B. Tech. Thesis (February
1992 - July 1992)
A study on the frequency analysis of the daily rainfall data for the Patna region of Bihar, India was conducted. The study revealed that Log Normal distribution fits well to the rainfall in the region. The result so obtained was used for the irrigation planning and design for the Patna region.
Mr. Josef De Smet
Head, Overseas Department
Belgroma Ltd.
Raghenopark, Hanswijkvaart 51
2800 Mechelen, BELGIUM
Tel: +32 15 451300