About Me
Ski Trip
My Friends
Marching Band Pics
Real World Pics

Other Links:
Casey's Page
Stewart's Page
After Hours
Jazz Combo
Bottom $ Blues Band
Tar River
Wind Ensemble
North Carolina
Horse Rescue

Welcome! My name is Megan and I am a recent graduate from NC State University.
I have a job working at a Saddlebred stable in the area.
It's pretty much my dream job, since I love horses. :o)

I have also recently purchased a 3yr. old Saddlebred mare.
Her name is Champagne's April Morning.

We just competed in our first show, the Tar Heel Classic in Statesville, NC.
April did very well considering it was her first show and the ring was a bit muddy.
We ended up getting 2nd place in a class of 5.
Here is a picture from that show.

Click here to see more pics of our barn and my other horses

Here are some pictures of my family Christmas trip to Florida.
We went to all 4 parks at Disney World, Universal Studios, Sea World, and Arabian Nights.

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