Either way, you're more than welcome to cruise around and check out my page.
Okay, One of these pictures is me in high school, one is me last year, and the other is my best friend Jason. Guess which is which...(pause for "Jeopardy" theme...)
Click on the Pictures for more information.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE AUTHOR (THAT WOULD BE ME): I'm a BIG movie nutt with aspirations of becoming a casting director for a big-time studio: right now, I'm the owner and therefore Studio Exec for a small indie studio named Lon! Productions. Follow the link to learn more.
I am also a member of C.A.M.O.S.--Chicks Against Men Oppressing Succubae. Yes, I am a succubus, and DAMN PROUD, TOO! Code name Kegatum (though the "powers that be" may be changing that to "Humper" fairly soon...don't ask, and I won't tell.), 3rd level general. If your interested in knowing more about CAMOS, follow this link: CAMOS Official Website
If ya want to get ahold of me, the email address is goodtime77@hotmail.com. Let me know what you think!
Work | And_Play |
The Dawson's Creek Web Page
Link to my Buddy Bank's page
Bob's Crazy Home Page
The Official View Askew Web Site--Home to my Mentor, Kevin Smith
My friend Carol's Page
Jonathan's Corner of the World
Have a great day!!!
Or nite, if you're nocturnal like me...
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© 1997 goodtime77@hotmail.com