In the development of Super string Theory many problems have been solved and created. One problem is that know one knows the 'why' of the theory. Currently physicist are formulating an general theory involving the combining of variations of Super string Theory called M-Theory. Super string Theory states that there are 6 curled up dimensions in the form of a Calabi-Yau shape. All the observable partials and their properties are defined as the vibrations of the string in the various dimensions, including the predicted super particles. In the developing M-theory higher dimensional vibrating sheets and blob are predicted to exist.
The goal here is to try to visualize a basic String like Theory as developed by Kaluza and Klein. In 1919 Kaluza theorized that a fourth dimension existed. This extra dimension brought together Einstein's theory of Relativity and Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism. In 1926 Klein expanded the theory by saying that the extra dimension predicted by Kaluza is curled-up so small it is beyond our view.
This is just an exercise in the exploration a geometrical object. A rigorous mathematical treatment was not preformed. The object was created and expanded using the most simplistic terms. On the formed assumptions the model was then expanded. The model though is independent of Kaluza-Klein's and Current Super sting Theory interpretations. The model to be visualized and keep the mathematics to a minimum generates a universe in which four expanded flat space dimensions exist and Relativity is preprogrammed in the behavior of the defined object.
The model is not intended to explain reality, and is totally hypothetical. The model has been slowly expanded very slowly over the last few years as project mostly to keep myself thinking and the pure enjoyment of it. The model was an exercise in which a simple interpretation of light was expanded to contain the quantum property of spin. The model was then expanded in a variety of directions to see if it could mimic experimental test pertaining to Relativity and Quantum Theories. This web site is the result of the model’s manipulations. The model is based on a helix, hence the name twisted string theory, but is better understood as the topological variations of a helicoid. The actual object is still unclear and is left up to the reader to decide which form of the model is correct. If the reader believes in the Standard Model it represents a point traveling along a defined helical path. If the reader believes in String Theory it is a helicoid moving through space. The nice thing about this model is that if a helicoid is chosen it is a ruled minimal surface, which is an object that is related to a plain. In a geometrical theory, the use of a minimal surface would be a requirement if it were to represent a fundamental object like a photon. Another advantage in using a helicod is that it can be further turned in to a catenoid that can further be zipped into a torus or other Calabi-Yau manifolds. Calabi-Yau spaces are important in String Theory in which a ten-dimensional space is used.
As in all physical and mathematical models, like abstract art, it is up to the onlooker to see if it has some true meaning, shape, and form or if it is just a bunch of paint thrown blindly at a canvas.
Spiro Zafiratos 11/27/99
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