Last update: 1.8.99

Hey Everyone! Whatz up? I hope you like my page! I  just did some renavation, I added a lot and hope you like it....I found some neat pics of my favorite women stars, and made a new poll...Put the results up to the old one and put in some pez bars, as well I moved some things around, so take a minute to get a feel for the new look...To see where things are!

Top 3 songz of the day:
1.Mandy Moore "Candy"
2.Christina Agulairia "What A girl Wants"
3.Blink 182 "All the small things"

The Results to the best song of the year as voted by you!!
Hit Me One MoreTime53%
All Star----------30%
If You Had My Love- 17%
New Poll:
Who was the best new artist of 99?
M Moore
B Spears
C Agularia
Please e-mail me with the awnser's and I will have the results up soon! Thankz

About Me:

I really Can't describe myself, because all you would get is that I am so kewl. So for some help I asked my Friends: Meghan said I was "Nice and Funny". Kevin said I was "Mysterious". And Blair said I was her link to Robert. Thankz to all my friends (Yeah Right!)If yall wanna IM me, I'm pezmanguy3 Soon there will be more about me.

My Friends are pretty  kewl. They are really nice, most of the time. Thats when Calvin isnt back stabbing me, and Daniel yelling "Who Ya Reprasenting. And When Alex isnt sayin "Homy G".
I do have wierd friends, but I really enjoy doing stuff with them! Comming soon I'll have personal profiles on all them!

The family is nice. I have 2 brothers and a mom and dad. There nice. Sometimes (Allways) my brothers can be a pain, but I'm lucky to have them because they have been great Role Models (Well John has his ear peirced! So...) Soon there will be mor info on them!

Photo Gallery

Since 12.22.99