Boston Latin Senior Prom '98

Yu Heng and Sandra

Joanne & Rosie

Melissa and I (Lily)...Oh, Melissa, I miss your crazy ways so much!  Remember Greek class and Dr. Karydas?!?!  The Iliad...Agamemnon...Hector...Ahhhhhh...


Son and Uyen.  Hi you too!

Lily and Rosie

May, Edwina, and Rosie...wait...AGAIN?!?!

Da boyz!

Dezhen & Jimmy

Lily & Nara

Yiu Fai & May

Kent & Amy

Sandra & Yu Heng

Clockwise from botton left: Christine, Danny, Albert, Gary, May, Dave, and Kent.  This was taken the morning after prom in which no one slept...Except for me...That's why I'm not in the picture...Nara and Amy too...

[YEARBOOK]          [HIGH SCHOOL]          [COLLEGE]