PSU football

Welcome to SeattLion's Den

We are a wholly owned subsidiary of CyBar Industries Inc.

Click the picture for a quick bio.

The Hierarcy of CyBar Industries revealed

Let's meet the owner and his staff:

Penn State 95. President and CEO of Penn State 95's CyBar and Grille. He's loved and known to his peers and subordinates alike as the "Exhaulted Poobah of the Highest Order of the Paw".

PSA. Chief Legal Counsel and all around good guy.   ;-) Better known to us all as the "Exhaulted Warden of the Highest Order of the Paw".

SeattLion. Web development and resident lush. He's PSA's right hand man. Unfortunately for him, PSA is a lefty. Better known to us all as the "Exhalted Commander of the Highest Order of the Paw".

The Rookie. Software Development and, as the name implies, a novice at just about everything. Better known to us all as the "Grand Rookie of the Highest Order of the Paw".

Skibum. The Rookie's partner in Crime and Piracy. Better known to us all as the "Grand Socialite of the Highest Order of the Paw".