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Nicole Nelson
Leo-August 6, 1981
Public Accountant by day, Ballroom dancer by night!
Favorite Quotes
Rose Bowl
Hi!  I'm Nicole, an alumni of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  I'm totally into dancing, sports, partying and of course The Badgers!  Have fun checking out all the stuff that is "ME!" 
Must Watch T.V. Shows:
The Bachelor
Desperate Houswives

Favorite Songs:
If I Were a Rich Girl-Gwen Stefani
The Book of Love-Shall We Dance Sdtrk.
Passenger Seat-SheDaisy
Sorority Life
The Badgers
The Sandbar
Ballroom Dancing
Road Trip!
Important Facts:
The Badgers have won back to back Rose Bowls in '99 and '00!
The Badgers went to the Final Four in '00!
The Badgers went to the Elite Eight in '05!
The Badger Men's Basketball Team won back-to-back BIG TEN CHAMPS in '02 and '03! (Big 10 Tourney in '04)
Go Bucky!