Library Titles You May Have Missed for 1996

The following list is composed of actual book titles.
While it is true that you can't always judge a book by its cover,
you can often judge a book by its title. Most of these books were
published in 1995-1996, some however are older. Most of these
titles speak for themselves. Any comments I have to make
are in parentheses... Remember, I am making None of
these titles up!

c. James Elfers

Death is of vital importance : on life, death, and life after death

Air pollutants and the leaf cuticle

Linoleum better babies & the modern farm woman 1890-1930

The aesthetics of disturbance ; anti art in avant-garde drama

Joyce's iritis and the irratiated text : the dis-lexic Ulysses

Parallel expeditions Charles Darwin and the art of John Steinbeck

Historied thought, constructed world : a conceptual primer for the turn of the millennium

Brewing; 20 Milwaukee poets

In a door into a fight, out a door, into a chase : movie making remembered by the guy at the door

Twentieth century type designers

Jewelry by Joan Rivers ... (Yes, that Joan Rivers)

Design for creep

Crickets of Hawaii

Ireland a bicycle and a tin whistle

The history of pain

Vital mummies : performance design for show-window mannequins

Golf watching : a viewers guide to the world of golf

The conversation piece in Georgian England

Women in Cleveland

Essays on modern Quebec theater

The mechanical song. women, voice and the artificial in Nineteenth-century French narrative

Stations of the divided subject : contestation and ideological legitimation in German Bourgeois literature, 1770-1914

The great canoes

Discover the hidden New Jersey ... (Its over here, behind this billboard.)

Exciting times in the accounts department

Senator for sale an unauthorized biography of Senator Bob Dole ...(Unauthorized?-- with a title like that, who would have guessed?)

Death by chocolate : the last word on a consuming passion

The encyclopedia of plague and pestilence

Pass-through entity digest

The tears of Narcissus : meloncholia and masculinty in early modern writing

Radio Corpse : Imagism and the cryptaesthetic of Ezra Pound

Book worm droppings

More book worm droppings

Exposed spine sewings : Non-adhesive binding volume III

Sixteenth-century printing types of the low countries

Handbook and atlas of curves

Love, loss, and what I wore

An atlas of fish histology normal and pathological features

Consultants journey : a dance of work and spirit

Gendered moods : psychotropics and society

The Inhuman condition

Human force exertion in user-product interaction backrounds for design

"The gentle voices of teachers" aspects of learning in the Carolingian Age

Holy radishes

Percussion solo literature

To sing with pigs is human : the concept of person in Papua New Guinea

The Frank Sinatra reader

Chartism and the chartists in Manchester and Salford

Scrimmage of appetite

Infectious Nietzsche ... (Quick, get a doctor!)

Mythic archetypes in Ralph Waldo Emerson : a Blakean reading

An introduction to analysis on wiener space

Between the heartbeats : poetry and prose by nurses

Planet of the Apes as American myth : race and politics in the films and television series

Television theme recordings : an illustrated discography, 1951-1994

Lou Grant : the making of tv's top newspaper drama ... (That's funny I always thought that tv's top newspaper drama was Kolchak : the night stalker)

An archetypal constable. national identity and the geography of nostalgia

Another fine dress : role play in the films of Laurel and Hardy

Greek Printing types 1456-1927

Paper mills and a nations capital

Universal and property instances: The alphabet of being

European accounting guide

How to write about weird things : critical thinking for a new age

Sound & vision : The music video reader

Wear of rock cutting tools : laboratory experiments on the abrasivity of rock

The civil war as a crisis in gender : Augusta, Georgia, 1860-1890

The fin de siecle spirit : Walter Blechburn Harte and the American/Canadian literary milieu of the 1890's

The linguistic shaping of accounting

An anthology of concrete poetry

Finding new routs in old paths : linking cultural needs to technical knowledge: appropriate technology inspires developing societies : concept, controversy and clarification

Marginal sculpture in Medieval France

Classical Attic tombstones

Cultural treasures of the internet

Creole phonology

Agriculture-fertilizer interface in Asia issues of growth and sustainability

Old southern apples

Readings on diarrhoea : student manual

Foregrounded description in prose fiction 5 cross-literary studies

The eccentric teapot

Cloth that does not die: the meaning of cloth in Bunu social life

Allyn Young : the peripatetic economist

Ars Poetriae : rhetorical and grammatical invention at the margin of literacy.(This book was written by an Associate Professor of Communications at Seattle Pacific University , I'm not kidding!)

Don't die before your dead

A tour of the calculus

The witch doctor of Wall street

Athenian democracy in transition : Attic letter-cutters of 340 to 290 B.C.

Bazaar of the idiots

Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining

Lieutenant nun : memoir of a Basque transvestite in the New World

French girls are viscious and other stories

Culture and capture of fish in Chinese reservoirs

The new book of prime number records

New concepts of a blood-brain barrier

Greening the GAAT

Tassie terms : a glossary of Tasmanian words

The man who never threw anything away ... (Isn't that all of us?)

Host wall alterations by parasitic fungi

Soils : a new global view

life in a putty knife factory

The tuba source book

Baldness : a social history

Women who wear the breaches : delicious & dangerous tales

The mind object : Precocity and pathology of self-sufficiency

Walt Whitman in Hell : Poems

The seductions of Emily Dickinson

Sounds like life : Sound-symbolic grammar, performance, and cognition in Pastaza Quechua

Beethovens kiss : pianism, perversion and the mastery of desire

Icelandic-Canadian popular verse

Reinforced concrete after cracking

Sex, death, enlightenment : a true story

Dogless in Metchosin

Bird-self accumulated

Sacred cows make the best burgers : paradigm-busting strategies for developing change-ready people and organizations

The structure of Old Norse Drottkvaett poetry

American plastic : a cultural history

Dimensions of the hermeneutic journey

Index of the probate records of the consistory court of Ely 1449-1858

Love's Madness : medicine the novel, and female insanity, 1800-1865

North German church music in the age of Buxtehude

An Anglican Aristocracy : the moral economy of the landed estate in Carmarthenshire 1832-1895

Erotic Dawn songs of the Middle Ages : voicing the lyric lady

Singing the chaos : madness and wisdom in modern poetry

Super-real fields : totally ordered fields with additional structure

A sad heart at the super-market

Celestial sirens : nuns and their music in early modern Milan

Dafydd ap Gwilym influences and analogues

The bakers of Paris and the bread question 1700-1775

An East India Company cemetery : Protestant burials in Macao

The Swidrian reindeer-hunters of Eastern Europe

Polaroids from the dead

Coyote vs. Acme

Work as art : Idaho logging as an aesthetic moment

Straws in the wind : Medieval Urban environmental law the case of Northern Italy

The mysterious naked man : poems

Oliver Stone's America "dreaming the myth outward"

Poetic printshop past-times : an anthology of printers' poetry 1883-1936

and the winning title for 1996 is ....

Medieval death ... (Which when you think about it was pretty much like modern death)