James Elfers

Greetings from Delaware
http://www.geocities.com/jelfers/ Delware Flag


This title page cover issues both lighthearted and serious.

The lighthearted side of life.

Title Lists
After years of trying I finally broke into the publishing industry myself. Follow theses links to find out about my book. (Hey why not buy one while your at it!)

click here

If you like you can also buy it from Amazon.com

click here

The SERIOUS side of life.

After twenty years my wife and I have decided to end our marriage. At one time I believed that my wife was the most beautiful and loving woman on the planet. While I no longer believe that, I do believe that my life is better for having been her husband. She is an enormously kind and sensitive woman.

She is a woman of many talents and abilities.

To See her picture click here click here

To visit her web site :

Artwork and Calligraphy Designs by Eileen Elfers

At her site you can see her calligraphic talents for yourself.

When I was dating Eileen I wrote this acrostic poem about her.

can you find her name in it?

Every time I think of life I
Find my mind inadequate,
All life must be held
Or felt with the heart where
We see all beauty truth and holy

Like so many folks who fall in love and get married we have kids Here is a link to their picture

click here

There is a request to identify the Detroit Tiger in this photograph. Here is what we know about the photograph: HI! A FRIEND OF JOE BENZ JR'S FOUND THIS PICTURE OF JOE BENZ, SR. WE KNOW JOE IS ON THE LEFT, AND THEN RAY SCHALK AND RED FABER ON THE RIGHT. ANY IDEA WHO THE DETROIT PLAYER IS? ANY AND ALL IDEAS WOULD BE APPRECIATED! click here

More seriousness

your basic news links

  • BBC
  • CNN
  • Drudge
  • Wash. Post
  • Philadelphia Newspapers Inc.
  • Wilmington News Journal
  • Delaware can be a WEIRD place. If you doubt that

    then look no further than this link:

  • The Official Punkin Chunkin Web Site
  • Only in Delaware!

    I'm still learning HTML. This site

    WILL improve! In fact it already has.

    Visitors are welcome you are # My email address (for those so inclined) is




    A shameless plug for my friend's site: yenra.com