Adam Koopman
Michael Peck
Chris Harrison
Ian Haskins
Brian Duke
Kale Poland
Clyde Cushing
Jonathan Vigue
Ryan Boyd
Sam Niziolek
Aaron Riddell
Brandon Shaw
Andrew Gowen
Matt O'Rourke
Russ Adams
Joe Musante
Jason Searles
My name is Jason Eric Searles and I am from Moosehead Lake Maine (Rockwood to be specific). I am Majoring in Outdoor Recreation and am a freshman. I enjoy many outdoor activites such as snowmobiling, fourwheeling, boating, hunting, fishing, canoeing, and just about anything else related. I am 5'11" talland weigh 180 lbs. My hair is brown and my eyes are hazel. I wear a size 11 shoe. My favorite soft drink would have to be Pepsi with apple juice and chocolate milk coming in close behind. I honesly dont have a favorite tv show but i do like to watch MTV once in awhile. One of my favorite movies would have to be Days of Thunder. Great Movie!I have two older sisters and a dog named
Chris Federico
I'm from Medway, ME and am a freshman also majoring in Marine Biology. I'm about 5'10''and weigh 260 lbs. I wear a size 12 shoe and have brown eyes and hair. My hobbies are drawing, reading, snorkeling in the summer and snowmobiling in
the winter. My favorite non-alcoholic drink is either Pepsi or Coke and my favorite alcoholic drink is Southern Comfort. My favorite movies are any of the Lethal Weapons and my favorite TV show is probably the Simpsons.
Paul Jackson
My name is Paul Jackson and I'm from Barre, MA. You may have heard of it, between Worcester and Springfield. I am a
recreation major in my frshmen year. I enjoy movies, video games, many outdoor activiites, drinking and being with friends. I am about 5'7", 150. My eyes are hazel and my hair is brown. My shoe size is 10W. My favorite drink is probably a Fribble. Simpsons is definitely the best show and I like a shit load of different movies.
Mike Bagley
My name is Mike Bagley and I am from Veazie Me.. I am a sophmore Environmental science major. I love to canoe, hike and just be outside. I am 5' 9" and I have light brown hair and blue eyes. I weigh 200 lbs. I wear a size 10 shoe. My favorite
beverage is gingerale ( especially with a shot of whiskey). I don't really watch tv but my favorite movie is Labrynth.
Dave Sweeney
My nane is David Sweeney, I'm from East Bridgewater,
Mass. I'm a freshman and majoring in marine bio. I'm about 5'8" and weigh about 190. I have brown hair and hazel eyes, and where a size 11.5 shoe. I think my favorite thing to do would be to go to the gym, and spending time with my girlfriend Jen. All the guys in the fraternity love her, she's great. . Root Beer is what I drink most of the time, but I also love O.J. I really don't have a favorite t.v show, although i like to watch cartoons occasionally. My favorite movie is basically anything with Arnold Schwartznegger( I forget how to spell that).
Matt Cormier
My name is Matt Cormier and I'm from Norwich, CT. I'm a 2nd semester freshman. I'm majoring in elementary ed, with
a minor in history. I have a lot of hobbies my favorite ones are
probably wrestling, baseball, football and sometimes hockey,I also play ADA(amature baseball association). I'm the shortest one in the group 5'5, 135lbs. My eyes are brown and my hair is dark brown. My shoe size is 11. My favorite drink is coke. The simpsons and married with children are may favorite tv shows. SpaceBalls and Austin Powers and a bunch of other ones.
Dennis Barker
My name is Dennis Barker and I'm also a second semester freshman who qualifies as a local boy. I'm from Princeton, Me. About fifty mins. from Machias. At this point in time I Don't have a major. I have various little hobbies, namely anything to do with "self-defense". I'm a six foot, 167 lber. with short brown hair, brown eyes, neatly kept side burns, and gotee. I have average sized feet(ten) so I think. I greatly enjoy my root beer and I do not have a favorite movie or a favorite t.v. show.
Ryan Gorman
Tom Murray
Tyler Levesque
Name: | Keith E. Piehler | Mark S. Hebert Jr. |
Age: | 22 | 22 |
B-day: | 11/29/76 | 2/21/77 |
Status at UMM: | Graduate | transfered |
Major: | E.S.- marine conc. | E.S.- marine conc |
Minor: | Outdoor Rec. | Outdoor Rec. |
Hometown: | North Kingstown, Rhode Island | Springfield, Mass. |
Favorite alcohol: | Southern Comfort, Red Dog | Woodchuck, Jack Daniels, Boat Drinks |
Fav. bands: | Jimmy Buffett, Phish, 311 | - - |
Fav. food: | anything | anything |
Toothbrush color: | clearish-purple | translucent blue |
Shoe size: | 10.5 | 7.5 mm |
Hobbies: | camping, hiking, mountain biking | soccer |
Misc.: | became Eagle Scout in 1994 | - - |
Fav. TV show: | the Real Sex episodes | Red Shoe Diaries |
Height: | 5' 11.75", 6' on good days | 5' 6", 6' on a good day |
Weight: | 180 | 160 mg |
Yahtzee records: | low score bottom of game , low score card | low score top of game |
Abe Knowleton
Jeremy Carter
Adam Goodspeed
Chris Johnson
Dave Dube
Scott Douglas
Leo Kanne
Jason Breton
Forest Schoening
Jason Kokosinski
Eric Nystrom
Chris Emerson
Jim Cook
Dennis Connolly
Jeff Faulkner
Allen Mehan
Tom Rogers
Grant Love
Dwayne Nadeau
Paul Mitchell
[ Back to Psi Delta ][ Revised March 3, 2006 ]