Nicholas Collis, Ed.D.

Basic Principles
Making Education Real
External Diploma Program
Talent Pool Reserve

Nick Collis is a retired educational planner who specialized in integrating education and community. He designed and/or implemented several projects dealing with external learning systems at the secondary school level. This web site was created to introduce a new generation of learners and educators to his work.

This site last updated 2/5/99


Nicholas Collis is a retired educational planner living in Syracuse, New York.

Active in the 1960s and 70s as a junior high school principal, director of a Title III organization, and director of an association for retarded citizens, Collis theorized and/or implemented many programs that were considered radical at the time.

Collis was successful in coordinating disparate members of the educational community, as well as the larger community (including business and industry) in the process of education. His accomplishments have been recognized by such entities as the President's National Advisory Council on Supplementary Centers and Services and the United States Office of Education. His work has affected the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

We created this website because many of Collis's ideas are finally coming of age. Or rather, the best thinkers within the academic establishment are beginning to articulate the same principles that Collis presented over twenty years ago and to look for ways to implement them.

This website offers, if not a blueprint for redesign, at least some guidelines and practical examples of systemic educational reform excerpted from Collis's work.

We welcome your comments. While Nick Collis is unable to respond to individual correspondence, we want to make this website interesting and relevant. So if there is something in particular you would like to see, drop us an e-mail at:

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