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![]() Sympetrum sp., Varna, Bulgaria, July 1995. ©D.Staykov The Bulgarian Dragonflies Odonata is a relatively species-poor (comprising about 5000 species worldwide), very well defined insect group and also considered to be well studied across Europe. A thorough study on Bulgarian Odonata has been published by Venelin Beschovski in 1994 where a total number of 64 dragonfly species are listed (Beschovski,1994). An interesting highlight in recent Odonata research in Bulgaria is the description of a dragonfly species new to science from the Eastern Rodopi Mountain, Somatochlora borisi, Marinov 2001 of the family Corduliidae, suborder Anisoptera. The Bulagrian dragonfly species belong to 10 families and 29 genera. 5 families and 12 genera with 24 species belong to the suborder Zygoptera, respectively 5 families and 17 genera with 44 species to the suborder Anisoptera (Beschovski,1994, Beshovski & Gashtarov, 1997, Marinov, 2001, Marinov & Simov, 2004), this makes a total of 68 species. The subspecies Somatochlora metallica meridionalis (according to Beshovski, 1994) is treated by Marinov, 2000 as a separate species Somatochlora meridionalis. Orthetrum anceps, listed by Beshovski, 1994 is excluded by Marinov, 2000. Mauersberger, 1994 suggests that O.anceps and O.coerulescens should be given only subspecific rang and united under the older species name O.coerulescens. The following Odonata species occur in Bulgaria: Zygoptera Calopterygidae Calopteryx virgo Calopteryx virgo festiva Calopteryx virgo meridionalis Calopteryx splendens Calopteryx splendens balcanica Euphaeidae Epallage fatime Epallage fatime fatime Lestidae Chalcolestes viridis Chalcolestes viridis viridis Lestes barbarus Lestes virens Lestes virens virens Lestes virens vestalis Lestes macrostigma Lestes sponsa Lestes dryas Sympecma fusca Platycnemididae Platycnemis pennipes Platipennis pennipes pennipes Coenagrionidae Pyrrhosoma nymphula Erythroma najas Erythroma viridulum Coenagrion mercuriale Coenagrion scitulum Coenagrion hastulatum Coenagrion ornatum Coenagrion puella Coenagrion pulchellum Cercion lindeni Enallagma cyathigerum Ischnura pumilio Ischnura elegans Ischnura elegans pontica Anisoptera Aeshnidae Aeshna juncea Aeshna subarctica Aeshna mixta Aeshna affinis Aeshna cyanea Aeshna isosceles Anax imperator Anax parthenope Hemianax ephippiger Brachytron pratense Caliaeschna microstigma Gomphidae Gomphus flavipes Gomphus vulgatissimus Ophiogomphus cecilia Onichogomphus forcipatus Onichogomphus forcipatus forcipatus Cordulegastridae Cordulegaster picta Cordulegaster heros Cordulegaster insignis Cordulegaster insignis charpentieri Cordulegaster bidentatus Corduliidae Cordulia aenea Somatochlora metallica Somatochlora meridionalis Somatochlora flavomaculata Somatochlora borisi Somatochlora arctica Libellulidae Libellula quadrimaculata Libellula fulva Libellula depressa Orthetrum cancellatum Orthetrum albistylum Orthetrum brunneum Orthetrum coerulescens Crocothemis erythraea Sympetrum striolatum Sympetrum vulgatum Sympetrum meridionale Sympetrum fonscolombei Sympetrum flaveolum Sympetrum sanguineum Sympetrum depressiusculum Sympetrum pedemontanum Leucorrhinia pectoralis Leucorrhinia dubia Selysiothemis nigra |
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©Dimitre Staykov |