Hey ya'll whaz up? Well my name is Chrissy and I want to welcome you to my site! I am new at this so I hope it turns out right. I guess I should start by telling you all a bit about myself. I am a (for any guys checking this out) SINGLE, 21 year old female living in a small town in Oklahoma. I was born and raised in Oklahoma City but my parents moved me down to this rinky dink town about 5 years ago. I am a college student majoring in Psychology. So be careful what you say when you sign my guest book. I just might analyze what you say...haha. Well my hobbies are surfing the net, riding jet skis, and listening to music. I mostly listen to Alternative and Rock & Roll, but I also get into a bit of Classic Rock and Country. My favorite bands are Matchbox 20, The Police, Metallica, Dixie Chicks, Shania Twain and many many more. Oh and by the way, the best tv show in the world is DAWSONS CREEK!!!!
I have a baby. His name is Scooter Pooter. Actually his official name is Scooter Doodle the Poodle but I call him Scooter Pooter for short, or just Scooter. He's my little angel. He is a tiny toy poodle weighing in at a hefty 3 lbs. I just don't know what I would do without him. I also have two of the GREATEST parents in the world and an AWESOME brother too. I am so lucky to have been blessed with the family that I have. We are a very close "Leave It To Beaver" type family. I wouldn't trade them in for nuthin.
Another thing I guess I could tell you about is I have something called Scoliosis. Most should know what that means but if you don't it just means that my spine is shaped like the letter S. Scoliosis is measured in degrees. Mild cases are considered to be 30 degrees or less. My scoliosis is measured at 57 degrees. So yea it's pretty bad, but it doesn't stop me from doing any of the things I want to do. Also due to the scoliosis I grew to a whopping 4,6' and I don't weigh much more than my dog.....haha.
Well I don't know what else to say. Thank you for visiting my site. Don't forget to sign my guestbook. C-ya'll later!!!! :-)

I want to say hey whaz up to
Tiisu, Jennifer, Stacey, Michelle, Flavia, Jamie, Lindsey, Shasta, Melissa, James, Baby Alyssa, Pattles, Cameron, Kendra, Kevin, Shandi, Zack, Dave, Jenn, Artie, Irene, Julie, Sue,Jen S., Mischa, Ed, Laura, Arnold, Danny, Fraggs, tb, and last but not least my mom and dad!!!
This is me, I am the little one in the middle. The tallest girl is my friend Tiisu, she is from Finland. The other girl is another one of my friends, Melissa.
And this is my precious little Scooter Pooter!!
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Last updated, July 31, 1999