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BDPA (National)Foundation
Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA) is a national, non-profit organization founded by Earl A. Pace, Jr. and David Wimberly in May 1975. BDPA was formed out of a concern shared by both men, that minorities were not adequately represented in the computer industry.
The first BDPA chapter was organized in Philadelphia, PA. The second chapter was organized in Washington, DC in 1978, and a third was organized in Cleveland, Ohio, after which BDPA became a national organization.
Currently there are more than 50 chapters across the United States. Future plan include continued growth both nationally and internationally.
Vision and Mission
BDPA will become the leading provider of technological resources for business and education that positions our members and community at the forefront of the information industry.
The mission of BDPA is to sustain a network of informatin technology professionals that is a positive influence in the information processing industry; a network which shares information, provides education and performs community service.
BDPA(Student Chapter)Foundation
The Virginia Commonwealth University Student Chapter of BDPA was founded
in January of 1999 by Maurisa Westbury, an Information Systems major,
and the Richmond Area Chapter of BDPA. The establishment of the chapter
was in effort to foster the professional development of minority
students in the field of Information Technology. Mentorship and
networking is an important aspect of becoming an Information Technology
Leader. Realizing this fact the student chapter provides a viable
network between its members and industry professionals. It is the goal
of the VCU student chapter to set a positive example in hopes of
expanding BDPA student chapters in the Virginia area and in universities
across the United States.
Vision and Mission
To promote the professional development of all students (especially minorites) in the field of Information Technology through interaction with industry professionals, area corporations and community outreach.
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